Nightside Glance все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
In Raven ClawsThe Raven is the keeper of dark forest,
His eyes like little stars in the evening sky.
He can tell you many mystic stories
Look into his eyes and listen … before you die!
The sorrowful moon is shining so bright.
My whole life I"m waiting for the unholy night.
I feel the breath of death, it"s getting colder,
Nightside GlanceMy life is going fast, to ashes I will burn,
The wind will scatter my dust,
My soul will fly and not return …
I don"t live in hell, nor paradise.
I see eternal dark in my eyes.
My heart was eaten by a flock of crows.
My soul is locked in the cold underground.
OmenConstellations will join in the darkness.
The miserable will fall to the ground.
Their prayer in a million voices
Won't defend from the unbearable sound …
… Infernal voice …
From the deepest abyss of the planet
Goes the swelling roar of the beast.
The Funeral BellThe silent scream of the Funeral Bell
Talks to you about your end.
Death is coming; it"s standing behind you
Touching you shoulder — feel its embrace…
The silent scream of the Funeral Bell,
The black smell of rot is blowing in your face.
Dark sky and clouds… Lightning and rain…