City Of The Dead
Рад, что ты пришла вовремя
In the city of the dead.
В некрополь.
How was your flight?
Как прошёл полет?
I'm glad that we met.
Я рад нашей встрече
Funky jamSo hard to get that dog is dead 'n' lying feet to the roof on my friend's bed.
We called an ambulance without any reason 'n' told the man it was...yeah! Funky time!
It was the best thing on that boring Saturday while we made plans what we're gonna do that day.
My friend's little dog Muffy got a heart attack. It was real but we both just laughed at that.
It took some time to get that dog was dead 'n' lying feet to the roof on my friend's bed.
We called an ambulance without any reason 'n' told the man it was dog hunting season.
Last GenerationStopped and left the car
The last thing I can recall
A raging wave of light
Vaporized all this life
And we ran into the field
Incapable to breathe
Living in a wolrd without you минус instrumental pianoYou told me, my darling,
Without me you’re nothing.
You taught me, to look in your eyes,
And fed me your sweet lies.
Suddenly someone was there in the window,
Looking outside at the sky that had never been blue...
SophiaI'm lost, I'm alone
I wish I had a bone
Long 'n' wide white you know, what I'm talking about, just a fine bite
I wish I had a home
To cover me at night, yeh
I make a wish again that it would be summertime, I'd be fine
I I I I!
Октябрь и апрельОна была апрельским небом,
В её глазах горел свет утренней зари.
Дочь света, сияющая звезда,
В её сердце разгоралось пламя.
Ярчайший день и таянье снегов,
Мороз, пробирающий до костей,
Октябрь и апрель…