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  • Текст песни Red - Fight To Forget

    Исполнитель: Red
    Название песни: Fight To Forget
    Дата добавления: 21.05.2017 | 17:15:11
    Просмотров: 20
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Red - Fight To Forget, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    Fight to Forget (оригинал Red)
    Стараюсь забыть (перевод)

    You're a monster in my mind
    Ты - чудище в моей главе,
    You're the one I can't leave behind
    Ты - та, кого я не могу забыть...
    You come inside, I watch you die
    Ты на меня польстилась, здесь урок тебе: 1
    Did you think that you could bury me?
    Ты правда думала меня похоронить?

    Your love is a lie
    Ведь любовь - это ложь,
    I will fight to forget
    Что я стараюсь забыть;
    Your love is a knife
    Твоя любовь - это нож,
    I will die to forget
    И я умру, чтоб не любить.

    Did you get what you want from me?
    Ты получила всё, использовав меня?
    You aren't the one that I thought you'd be
    Нет, ты - не та, какой должна бы быть.
    Everything you caused, everything I lost
    И после тех потерь, где вся вина - твоя,
    Did you think that you could embrace me?
    Одни объятия и, думаешь, смогу тебя простить?

    Your love is a lie
    Ведь любовь - это ложь,
    I will fight to forget
    Что я стараюсь забыть;
    Your love is a knife
    Твоя любовь - это нож,
    I will die to forget
    И я умру, чтоб не любить.

    (Love is a lie)
    (Любовь - это ложь!)
    Let me go
    Отпусти меня!
    Let me go
    Отпусти меня!
    (Love is a lie)
    (Любовь - это ложь!)
    Let me go
    Отпусти меня!
    Let me go
    Отпусти меня!

    You're beaten,
    Ты сломлен,
    You're broken down,
    You're sadness bringing on us!
    Ты - горе, что пало на нас!
    You're hopelessness,
    Ты печален,
    You're saddened,
    You're scream depleted on me!
    Ты - крик, что сбивает мой глас! 2
    (Depleted on me!)
    (Сбивает мой глас!)

    Your love is a lie
    Ведь любовь - это ложь,
    I will fight to forget
    Что я стараюсь забыть;
    Your love is a knife
    Твоя любовь - это нож,
    I will die to forget
    И я умру, чтоб не любить.

    I will fight to forget you
    Я стараюсь тебя позабыть!
    I will die to forget you
    Я умру, тебя чтоб не любить!

    1 - "Ты мне в душу заглянула, там я видел твою гибель"
    2 - "Что обрушился на меня"
    Fight to Forget (original Red)
    I try to forget (translation)

    You're a monster in my mind
    You are a monster in my chapter,
    You're the one I can not leave behind
    You are the one I can not forget ...
    You come inside, I watch you die
    You are flattered at me, here is a lesson to you: 1
    Did you think that you could bury me?
    Did you really think to bury me?

    Your love is a lie
    After all, love is a lie,
    I will fight to forget
    What I try to forget;
    Your love is a knife
    Your love is a knife,
    I will die to forget
    And I will die, so as not to love.

    Did you get what you want from me?
    Did you get everything by using me?
    You are not the one that I thought you'd be
    No, you're not what it should be.
    Everything you caused, everything I lost
    And after those losses, where all the guilt is yours,
    Did you think that you could embrace me?
    Some embraces and, you think, I can forgive you?

    Your love is a lie
    After all, love is a lie,
    I will fight to forget
    What I try to forget;
    Your love is a knife
    Your love is a knife,
    I will die to forget
    And I will die, so as not to love.

    (Love is a lie)
    (Love is a lie!)
    Let me go
    Let me go!
    Let me go
    Let me go!
    (Love is a lie)
    (Love is a lie!)
    Let me go
    Let me go!
    Let me go
    Let me go!

    You're beaten,
    You are broken,
    You're broken down,
    You're sadness bringing on us!
    You are a sorrow that fell on us!
    You're hopelessness,
    You are sad,
    You're saddened,
    You're scream depleted on me!
    You are a scream that hits my voice! 2
    (Depleted on me!)
    (Knocks my voice!)

    Your love is a lie
    After all, love is a lie,
    I will fight to forget
    What I try to forget;
    Your love is a knife
    Your love is a knife,
    I will die to forget
    And I will die, so as not to love.

    I will fight to forget you
    I try to forget you!
    I will die to forget you
    I will die, so as not to love you!

    1 - "You looked me in the soul, there I saw your death"
    2 - "What fell upon me"


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