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  • Текст песни Sophie Zelmani - Waiting For The Miracle To Come

    Исполнитель: Sophie Zelmani
    Название песни: Waiting For The Miracle To Come
    Дата добавления: 11.12.2017 | 19:15:05
    Просмотров: 682
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Sophie Zelmani - Waiting For The Miracle To Come, перевод и видео.
    Baby, I've been waiting
    I've been waiting night and day
    I didn't see the time
    So I waited half my life away
    There were many invitations
    And I know you sent me some
    But I was waiting
    For the miracle to come

    I know you really loved me
    But, you see, my hands were tied
    I know it must have hurt you
    It must have hurt your pride
    To stand beneath my window
    With your bugle and your drum
    While I was waiting
    For the miracle to come

    You wouldn't like it baby
    You wouldn't like it here
    There's not much entertainment
    And the critics are severe
    The Maestro says it's Mozart
    But it sounds like bubble gum
    When you're waiting
    For the miracle to come

    Waiting for the miracle
    There's nothing left to do
    I haven't been this happy
    Since the end of World War II
    Nothing left to do
    When you know that you've been taken
    Nothing left to do
    When you're begging for a crumb
    Nothing left to do
    When you've got to go on waiting
    For the miracle to come

    I dreamed about you, baby
    It was just the other night
    Most of you was naked
    But some of you was light
    The sands of time were falling
    From your fingers and your thumb
    And you were waiting
    For the miracle to come

    Baby, let's get married
    We've been alone too long
    Let's be alone together
    Let's see if we're that strong
    Let's do something crazy
    Something absolutely wrong
    While we're waiting
    For the miracle to come


    When you've fallen on the highway
    And you're lying in the rain
    And they ask you how you're feeling
    Of course you say you can't complain
    If you're squeezed for information
    That's when you've got to play it dumb
    You just say you're out there waiting
    For the miracle to come

    Малышка, я все ждал 
    Я все ждал и день, и ночь. 
    Я на время не смотрел
    Я прождал полжизни зря. 
    Было много приглашений 
    И я знаю, ты звала 
    Но я все ждал и ждал 
    Чуда, ждал пока оно придет. 

    Знаю, ты правда меня любила. 
    Но, видишь ли — мои руки были связаны. 
    Я знаю, что тебе было больно 
    Было больно твоей гордости 
    Когда пришлось стоять под моим окном 
    С горном и с барабаном 
    Пока я там жду и жду 
    Чуда, жду пока оно придет. 

    Я не думаю, что тебе бы понравилось 
    Тебе бы не понравилось здесь. 
    Развлечений нет совсем, 
    А наказания суровы. 
    Маэстро говорит, это Моцарт 
    Но по звуку — жевательная резинка 
    Когда ты ждешь 
    Чуда, ждешь пока оно придет. 

    В ожидании чуда 
    Больше делать нечего 
    В последний раз я был так счастлив 
    Когда кончилась вторая мировая 

    Делать больше нечего 
    Когда ты знаешь, что ты взят 
    Делать больше нечего 
    Когда вымаливаешь крохи 
    Делать больше нечего 
    Когда тебе надо дальше ждать 
    Ждать чуда, ждать пока оно придет. 

    Ты мне снилась, малышка 
    Тут недавно, прошлой ночью 
    Ты была в основном обнажена 
    Но отчасти светла и легка 
    Пески времени утекали 
    С твоих пальцев 
    И ты ждала и ждала 
    Чуда, ждала пока оно придет. 

    Малышка, ну давай поженимся 
    Мы слишком долго были одни 
    Давай будем одни вместе 
    Посмотрим, настолько ли мы сильны. 
    Да, давай сотворим что-нибудь сумасшедшее 
    Что-нибудь совершенно неправильное 
    Пока мы ждем и ждем 
    Чуда, ждем пока оно придет. 

    Делать больше нечего 
    Когда ты знаешь, что ты взят 
    Делать больше нечего 
    Когда вымаливаешь крохи 
    Делать больше нечего 
    Когда тебе надо дальше ждать 
    Ждать чуда, пока оно придет. 

    Когда ты упала на дороге 
    И когда лежишь под дождем 
    И тебя спрашивают, как дела 
    Конечно, отвечаешь, что жалоб нет 
    Если тебя вынуждают говорить 
    Тогда-то и надо делать глупый вид 
    Ты просто отвечаешь, что ждешь 
    Чуда, ждешь пока оно придет.
    Baby, I've been waiting
    I've been waiting
    I didn't see the time
    So I waited half my life away
    There were many invitations
    And I know you sent me some
    But I was waiting
    For the miracle to come

    I know you really loved me
    But, you see, my hands were tied
    I know it
    It must have hurt your pride
    To stand beneath my window
    With your bugle and your drum
    While I was waiting
    For the miracle to come

    You wouldn't like it baby
    You wouldn't like it here
    There's not much entertainment
    And the critics are severe
    The Maestro says it's Mozart
    But it sounds like bubble gum
    When you waiting
    For the miracle to come

    Waiting for the miracle
    There's nothing left to do
    I haven't been this happy
    Since the end of World War II
    Nothing left to do
    When you know what you have been taken
    Nothing left to do
    When you begging for a crumb
    Nothing left to do
    When you got to go on waiting
    For the miracle to come

    I dreamed about you baby
    It was just the other night
    Most of you was naked
    But some of you was light
    The sands of time were falling
    From your fingers and your thumb
    And you were waiting
    For the miracle to come

    Baby, let's get married
    We've been alone too long
    Let's be alone together
    Let's see if we're that strong
    Let's do something crazy
    Something absolutely wrong
    While we're waiting
    For the miracle to come


    When you've fallen on the highway
    Lying in the rain
    Ask you how you feeling
    Of course you say you can't complain
    If you're squeezed for information
    That's when you've got it to play.
    For the miracle to come

    Baby, I waited
    I kept waiting both day and night.
    I did not look at the time
    I waited half my life in vain.
    There were many invitations
    And I know you called
    But I waited and waited.
    A miracle, waiting for it to come.

    I know you really loved me.
    But, you see, my hands were tied.
    I know it hurt you
    It hurt your pride
    When I had to stand under my window
    Mountain and drum
    While I'm waiting there and waiting
    Miracle, waiting until it comes.

    I don't think you would have liked
    You would not like it here.
    There is no fun at all,
    And the punishment is severe.
    Maestro says this is Mozart
    But by the sound - chewing gum
    When are you waiting
    Miracle, wait until it comes.

    Waiting for a miracle
    Nothing more to do
    The last time I was so happy
    When did the second world end

    Nothing more to do
    When you know you are taken
    Nothing more to do
    When begging crumbs
    Nothing more to do
    When do you need to wait any longer
    Wait for a miracle, wait until it comes.

    I dreamed of you, baby
    Here recently, last night
    You were mostly naked
    But partly light and easy.
    The sands of time flowed away.
    With your fingers
    And you waited and waited
    Miracle, waited until it comes.

    Baby, let's get married
    We were alone for too long
    Let's be alone together
    Let's see if we are so strong.
    Yes, let's do something crazy
    Something completely wrong
    While we wait and wait
    Miracle, wait until it comes.

    Nothing more to do
    When you know you are taken
    Nothing more to do
    When begging crumbs
    Nothing more to do
    When do you need to wait any longer
    Wait for a miracle until it comes.

    When you fell on the road
    And when you lie in the rain
    And they ask you how are you
    Of course, you answer that there are no complaints
    If you are forced to speak
    That's when you need to make a silly look.
    You just answer what you expect
    Miracle, wait until it comes.


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