Echoes of DeepnessEchoes... of mankind's deviations
Into the den... it's delectation
They choose the weakest, encircle him
Bite into his flesh, and swallow his blood
Their hunger leads them and reveals their true nature
They watch each other, and dive into madness
Mystic CavesMankind can't strike back, they need to escape
To a place unknown to their enemies
They walk to the dead end
Dig and dig to hide
An underground community is created
In the mountains they stay
Poor, wretched, and confused
Sadistic NightsWe follow the road, of the mysterious valley, and we see nothing
The way of bodies, guide us towards our loss, our tomb of flesh
Too much noise, we make
It awakens forgotten souls
menacing shades, we sight
They are... furious
The Shades InvadeThe night arrived and the fog appeared
But the moon was missing and left us in darkness
All was in place to punish us
Those who were rejected will be avenged
This night will always remain in our spirit
The night when our destiny was compromised