Accessory ChildrenSo saddening, all their minds know is pain. such apathy, we've thrown their suffering away. diminishing, their world falls apart right before their eyes. such cruelty, we sit and watch as they die from the inside. how could we see such human suffering and just turn the other way? a trag edy when a child can be thrown away as easily as an acces sory. what about the voiceless? the choiceless? they're the unseen, they don't have the means. we have a responsibility. it's up to us. accessory children. we have a responsibility. we have a responsibility
Against Them AllI know you, because you're just like me
Always questioning every single thing
Never giving up without a fight
Because for you, your resistance is a way of life
Young and angry, with every right to be
Bent but not broken, hanging on by a thread
Looked past by most, looked down on by all.
AmberHer name is amber
She has eyes like her mother
She's beautiful and bright the whole worlds in front of her
She has a smile that could end a war
Yet no one wants her and she has nothing to care for
Shes only 14 and she thinks
Why is the weight of the world crashing down on me
Cause as of late the sun doesn't seem to shine so bright
Badge A BrandIts one thing to turn your back on everything you believe .. but now you've turned your back on me .. what happened to you .. and I may not wear my heart on my shirt on my hand as a badge as a brand .. but that doesn't mean this isn't sticking with me .. lets take this back to the beginning .. who stood by who .. who helped you up when you fell through .. I'm not looking for recognition I just want you to understand my position .. I don't agree with your decisions .. I've seen you conquer so much more .. but I'm still here and that wont change .. my heart remains the same .. bring it back down .. you turned your back on me and everything you believe
Beyond The SunShe thinks, "Another day I'm left to drag my broken soul
Through the streets, into work and school, then back home"
Not a man in her life that makes her feel whole
Because it's the men in her life that filled her with those holes.
"What have I done to deserve this?"
To face a raising fist that screams, "You think I like this bitch?!"
Don't you worry my darling, mommy just tripped
She can feel her sanity starting to slip
Bringing You DownThe rage that builds in us is bringing you down.
Chewed up and spit out, lost and alone.
Your jobs been ripped from you and on deck, your home.
Can't feed yourself, let alone feed the kids.
American dreams have turned to your American greed.
Their fingers are crossed while they smile and promise.
The wrong side of broke while our gold lines their pockets.
Built Upon the SandDay in and day out
Shit on and kicked in
The world's garbage you left sifting
Mind like a wrath flame and flood
Done talking, no one's listening
They pushed me, they pushed me
I'll rip this place at the seams
ColorblindHistory repeats itself again
when will this all end
and when will we begin
i guess until you have no one left to offend
why must we be left alone
well never make it on our own
one mind one heart one soul to find another way for us to see eye to eye
when will understand we let ourselves down again
Compassion Without CompromiseCompassion without compromise .. our weak actions cant be justified .. one another's perspectives we have denied .. but I know what's meant for me .. and we may not all agree .. I just hope somewhere in the middle we can meet .. but for now its time to swallow your pride because we wont all comply .. instead of living in self denial we're being victims of false approval .. we must learn to find acceptance within our selves learn to put our hearts on trial .. and we are all here together side by side with one another .. we all bleed we all cry we must learn to confide within each other .. we all bleed the same way we all have our own say .. and if we want things to change we must stand and endure our own hate .. what I believe is the only thing that separates you from me .. but it shouldn't affect the way we think and treat each other .. we're all under the sun
Diamond[Spoken Intro]
In this there is no teacher, no pupil
There is no leader, there is no guru
There is no Master, no Saviour
You yourself are the teacher and the pupil
You are the Master, you are the guru, you are the leader
You are everything
And to understand is to transform what is
Driving ForceSo here we go again.
Ignorance brought back
by popular demand.
It seems that I'll never understand. How much more
must we lose
before we turn this and around
and choose
do we dress the part
Enough Is EnoughI'm broken, from every word we left unspoken.
Lost focus, Left to feel hopeless.
One life, (ONE LIFE!) One time,
(ONE TIME!) Let's make things right.
Let's make things right!
Enough's enough.
Why have we given up?
Lost Track of everything we love.
Faith In The UntamedFrom the soul of the unnamed
to the devastating depths of the heads and the hearts of the shamed,
with patience like the fury of a freight train,
I'll always have faith in the untamed.
I have faith in the untamed.
No room to think when digression is fought.
Progression of thought dies and goes right out the door.
It's hard to move on when tradition is the whore
Fashion Or FascistWhat’s with all the starring why are you so worried about what they’re wearing,.. you care more about their hair then understanding.. that you are the real critic here so take a look into the mirror..
don’t waste your breathe give it a rest this isn’t a contest you make us all second best.. I’m sorry I can’t help but laugh you’ve fallen into the trap of thinking what we wear determines who we are you’ve taken this way too far..
when will you realize what matters is what’s on the inside so you and I must cast aside this pointless fight to keep alive our able minds.
Fire With FireTo stand on my two feet
to lock these trembling knees
this is what we need to not fall in the defeat
they cant break me down
and I am sick and tired of fighting fire with fire
weve been misplaced weve been defaced but our heart will never be erased
fire with fire
weve been misused weve been defused but this fight we will not lose
For The Kids, By The KidsThe more I live my life the more I start to see it from a new light
the more I see this disease transfer from you to me
but I cant see why we need to create and make all this hate because this place wasnt shaped for us to bruise and break
this is for the kids who wont quit and continue to lay the bricks
and add to this creation and dont shake its foundation
for the ones who still have their self respect for the ones who break their neck to hold us up for those who wont for ones who us hope
for the ones who put there heart in from the start
were all brothers we should be here for each other
For What It's WorthThe best has yet to come.. all damage has been done and we have just begun to see what we’ve become.. and I cant help but see a need to turn this all around.. and lift ourselves up from the ground.. because for what its worth we can not go unsound.. and for far to long we’ve we been fighting more than singing along.. let a new dawn arise let open our eyes.. to something new a new born youth an untold truth there’s no excuse for us use to explain out self abuse.. we have so much more to give.. we are the alternative and our voices will rise in unison.. we have yet to begin and we cant let ourselves wear thin and for what its worth our resolve will not see its end
ImpactWhat do I have to do to get through to you?
I've sat and waited patiently, and its so plain to see that you no longer have any faith in me.
So what happens when we're all gone and you have no one left to put the blame on?
We've been underestimated, left to fix the mess you created, and its taken it's toll. You put us down just to build you up, now you're falling apart and looking to us, this game is getting old. We are the truth, we are the youth, this time you lose because we make the rules.
Last HopeMy friend, What has you so troubled?
Why have you turned life into such a struggle?
I see it in you no matter how hard it tries to hide;
The war in your heart and fire in your eyes.
I can't follow, trust me I've tried.
My path is lit by a brighter light.
I will always sing humanity's song,
We May fall but we will carry on.
Left You BehindThere's a story of a young man
who was taken from his home.
He missed his sister become a women
and his father growing old.
From the distance he watched his mother,
mourn a loss, all alone.
And when he thinks about his brother,
he can't seem to find the phone.
Life Through Western Eyesout of style out of date quick! you better start clearing out some closet space. such a waist but tv has it justified. life through western eyes. homicidal kids, the drugs and the queer they have us all living in a culture of fear and you better forget about trusting your peers. life through western eyes. - "what color is my safety today?" "i drank water from the sink, do you think thats okay?" "i really dont think its safe to go outside today." "this is what happens when we dont pray" increase the insanity - they have us right where they want us. by our heads and by our wallets. another day in locked in paradise. theres nothing to see here so just close your eyes. - substance abuse declines while the war on drugs intensifies. you dont have to agree. this is called better safe than sorry. life through western eyes. too fat too ugly you will amount to nothing you better pick the pace or you'll be stuck on the side lines life through western eyes. - this is life through western eyes - life through western eyes - so you better not think just sit back and take another drink why swim when we can sink increase the insanity
No Coverthe perversion of life through gaia's eyes as good as dead in the jaws of spite i cant sit back as the apathy amplifies in the darkest corners of their nightmare, I'll be a light - count our blessings NO COVER showered in life's warmth THE REST TO SUFFER we are fortunate enough to make a choice COUNT OUR BLESSINGS no cover SHOWERED IN LIFE'S WARMTH the rest to suffer WE ARE FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO MAKE A CHOICE ill be a voice - THEY REST THEIR EYES IN A BED OF FILTH AND WE SUFFER SLOW IN A VICE OF GUILT I REFUSE TO ADD TO THIS VIOLENT DESIGN IN THE DARKEST CORNERS OF THEIR NIGHTMARE, I'LL BE A LIGHT - COUNT OUR BLESSINGS no cover SHOWERED IN LIFE'S WARMTH the rest to suffer WE ARE FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO MAKE A CHOICE count our blessings NO COVER showered in life's warmth THE REST TO SUFFER we are fortunate enough to make a choice ILL BE A VOICE - cast out. forsaken. desperate. ill fated. everyday the value of life spreads thinner. but in this chaos I'll be a hopebringer. - their trials are mine I stand for every single walk of life I'LL FIGHT I'll fight for both human and non human rights because I know that things are much brighter on the other side.
Part Of MeThe least that you can do is wipe off your shoes before you give yourself another boost
I’ll never stoop that low because i know that this is just a game to you
you’re all for show
it’s so hard to think of anyone else, when you’re too busy thinking about yourself
you’ve mastered the art of giving up and i’ve had enough, i’m giving up on us
so i’ll cut my losses, no more being cautious, i’d rather lose it all than ever become thoughtless
it’s so hard to think about anyone else, when you’re to busy thinking about yourself
a person can only take so much and i feel like i’m loosing touch. so for your sake and everyone around us, i suggest that you back up
Scarecrowblack dynasty. you've defined true tragedy and this world bleeds. but i have found peace. as your enemy. as your betrayer. I AM THE TRAITOR - Erida, i pray that the same hate that KILLS AND RAPES doesn't give way in my head. if it does, I'M AS GOOD AS DEAD. - you spread your mind plague to anyone who listens i can't believe your hate has so much ambition the infection you bleed of your own volition its not enough to make your own decisions no more malice. watch us break it. we want progress so we'll make it. this is a new kind of justice. WE JUST HAVE TO TAKE IT. my mind is poised and the strike will be deadly. and you better believe I'm bringing all hell with me.
Some Kind Of Hopein a world that can't, we can. in a world that hates, we understand. we are some kind of love we're at the end of our rope we are some kind of hate we are some kind of hope in a world that cant, we can. in a world that hates, we understand. in a world that wont, well we've got the world by the throat we are some kind of hope - ill see through every inch of doubt i am the moon when the sun goes down, and ill reflect its shine its my life. i will define. - "i woke up today and felt my age for the first time, in both my mind and body. and my thoughts are less of fitting in and more of being a better man." mike "owen" kinsella i just want to be a better man. - a wrecking ball of warmth is beating in my chest, and my head is buried in the depths of its gentleness. oh god. i am alive. keeping warm in a cold world
Such Paini don't think i could ever let you go
but if you stay i know that i'll lose control
all the things that we've been through
i can't believe all i've done just to protect you
suffocated by the thin line i walk between
who i am and who i think i should be
pointed every finger i could still nothing's right to me
i am the enemy
Somewhere I lost it walking the fence between my anger and it's bitterness.
Do I call it quits?
Does my sanity have what it takes to afford the damage?
Fighting with everything I am to hold it together.
Looking back in shame and regret at all the ties I've severed.
I'm spinning out of control.
I'm one half of a whole.
The Bond
It's hard to find a way to express myself,
But there's so much I owe to you.
The only ones who deserve to hate me
Are the ones that love me the most.
The CrownDon't get me wrong
I'm grateful for the good intentions
You hung me on
Still there's a feeling like all the things we left undone
Became came the things we are running from
Don't get me wrong
We can't escape the voices in our heads that break us done
This Is MoreThis is more than a pulse beneath my wrist or a beat beneath my ribs this is something that cant be given away
because whats life for some is not right for some but either way we can overcome and not be killed by our own mistakes
we cant let this be our death
because our differences will be our expenses too relieve us and achieve something for us to believe
we have been put up on the shelf its such a sad day when we need to save each other from ourselves
This Is Where My Heart LiesI will stay true to this .. I wont fall .. this means more now than ever before .. your doubt drives me and I bite my tongue .. you hate me and everything I am .. and everything I believe .. say what you will cause I have learned to turn the other cheek .. say what you will .. this is mine this is for me we will rise up together .. we are one we are family .. this world may bring us down .. but it cant tear apart this family .. be strong .. keep your head up .. because this struggle will only get harder to handle .. this is where my heart lies
We Still Believe
I'm sick and tired of all this giving up,
All I hear is talk, and I've had enough.
Single minded, overwhelmingly one sided.
Refusing humanity, does not award morality.
Hope's not dead so we'll forever scream,
until it's deafening.
What Goes Aroundyou're fed up it never shuts up you're seeing red once again you've had more than enough patients wearing thin your thoughts all turn to a blur your head and your heart turn to lightning and thunder all you want is five minutes of peace so you raise your fist and let loose the beast - what goes around what goes around what goes around goes around and around what goes around what goes around what goes around goes around and around and around - we are your children raised with the back of a hand - i know that we've done wrong but we're not stupid WE'VE LEARNED and we wont make the same mistakes THAT YOU DID
Where The Sun Never SleepsI live in the valley by the sea lined with the scent of orange trees. This is
the place that’s always loved me. I wake where the sun never sleeps, in-between
the mountains and where the water and the sky meet.
This is the place I was raised. My family and my friends. This is my everything. This is the place I was saved. My beginning and end. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Just because I leave you doesn’t mean you leave my mind. I think about you all the time. This is my solid ground and this sun isn’t going down. Never going down. And I
have seen a lot of amazing things, but there’s no feeling like coming home
Wolves at the Doorour heroes left to die. we push our young ones to the side. and hung bright minds out to dry. in the downpour, we'll drown if we dont find some truth. this is our nation without a roof. the fire of this hopelessness ignites. the fury of misfortune strikes. - supreme isolation reigns - the wolves are at the door we walk on common ground. its in our hearts to help those that have been shut out. and if just one, we are all the tired and the poor. so lift your lamp before we break down the door. - new colossus, they fall on blind eyes and your teeming shores, they multiply. naked as the birth of a new day amazing grace please show your sick and hungry a new fate. - the wolves are at the door we walk on a common ground. its in our hearts to help those that have been shut out. and if just one, we are all the tired and the poor. so lift your lamp before we break down the door. - it is the obligation of those who have everything to help those who have nothing.