All I ever wanted(What you gonna say and what you gonna do
What you gonna say and what you gonna do)
Too good
You could
Be so misunderstood
Snow pure
Almost Medieval There's something in your soul that makes me feel so old
In fact I think I've died about six hundred times
There's less of me now and more of me then
I'm moving back to the age of men
Jump off the tarmac there's no stagecoach speed limit
Outside the office hangs the man on the gibbet
Soft lenses
Grow to glasses
Boys And GirlsBoys and girls come out to play, playing till they're old and grey
Time to leave the old school suit, grown ups can be real cute
Do you think they're wiser than in the past
How long do you think it's gonna last
I don't have to prove to you adults can be kidding too
Boys and girls I love you dearly
But I hate to have you near me
Circus Of Death Nine o'clock flight from Hawaii
The Trident is just touching down
We're waiting here on the tarmac
McGarrett is wearing a frown
He's here to help with a problem
A blood-spattered curse on our land
Please cast your eye over this map, sir
Crow And A BabyA crow and a baby
Had an affair
The result was a landslide
The result was a dare
The result was a baby
Who wanted it all
Moved out of the doll's house
Moved out of the hall
Cruel Young LoverDo you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?
Just because you can
DarknessВ темноте
Где мои сны-тоже все ясно
Тьма, тьма
Заполнены все звуки страх
Я слышу голоса (не выключайте свет)
Вызов далекой
Я вижу тени (не выключайте свет)
Перемещение, изменение формы
Don't You Know I Want YouIt's a beautiful night
A cool breeze in the air
Got the keys to my car
But I don't want to go nowhere
I'm not at all bored
But I've plenty of time to spare
There's only one thing that I know
Don't You Want Me BabyYou were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar
When I met you
I picked you out, I shook you up, and turned you around
Turned you into someone new
Now five years later on youve got the world at your feet
Success has been so easy for you
But dont forget its me who put you where you are now
And I can put you back down too
Empire State HumanSince I was very young I've realised
I never wanted to be human size
So I avoid the crowds and traffic jams
They just remind me of how small I am
Because of this longing in my heart
I'm going to start the growing art
I'm going to grow now and never stop
Think like a mountain, grow to the top
Heart Like A WheelCalling up the promised land. Johnny Seven´s coming over
The sea. He´s taking your time. When you want to be free.
Holding out a helping hand. Are you ready for a real
Career? Will you be so cool. When it´s happening here?
It don´t say nothing that I haven´t heard. If what I hear is
True. You won´t keep the law with a broken word. So what
HumanCome on, baby, dry your eyes
Wipe your tears
Never like to see you cry
Won't you please forgive me ?
I wouldn't ever try to hurt you
I just needed someone to hold me
To fill the void while you were gone
I Love You Too MuchWe talked and talked and talked and talked for hours
An ocean or two couldn't keep me away from you
We spoke about the time and place of our first meeting
Without a word I know you knew that I cared about you
I love you too much
I love you too much
I love you too much
I love you too much
I Am The LawMy life - I'm a fool for you
You who take no advice
You who think evil doesn't exist
Just because you deny it is true
[Chorus: x2]
You're lucky I care
For fools like you
Kiss The FutureKiss The Future Lyrics:Forgiveness and mercy. in short supply. so lonely, so
Faithful. no reason why. in my mind at this time. just clear
Blue sky. your story just starting. now learn to fly.
It takes a miracle to make you see. my consciousness
Your past life. don't suit you. take my hand. kiss the future.
Let fortune. uproot you. take my hand. kiss the future.
No time now for sorrow. meet life full-blast. let?s take on
Life KillsWhen you fall into your seat
You know you feel you might be dying
As the breath rasps in and out
Of your burning throat
You can't control your lungs because you're so tired
You're half awake with one arm in your coat
Well thank god that there is someone there to drive you
You know you couldn't make it on your own
Life On Your OwnWinter is approaching
There's snow upon the ground
It's good of you to visit me
I'm glad you came around
I don't know how you found me
I didn't let you know
I only moved to this address
About a week ago
LouiseWhen he saw her getting of the bus,
It seemed to wipe away the years.
Her face was older, just a little rough,
But her eyes were still so clear.
He drank his coffee, and he hurried out,
Across, before she walked away.
Then he approached her, like a little child,
Too scared for what he had to say.
Love ActionWhen you're in love
You know you're in love
No matter what you try to do
You might as well resign yourself
To what you're going through
If you're a hard man or if you're a child
It still might get to you
Don't kid yourself you've seen it all before
Love On The RunI was wondering
All the time that I was waiting
When would I rise
From the years that I'd been hating
For the first time
Living seemed to mean so much to me
Like the day time
Shining from the night that used to be
MarianneI take one look at you
It leaves me breathless
I see your dreams come true
You're not so restless
Or light, or bright
One day I might not care
What happened to me
Mirror ManThe water shines
A pebble skips across the face
A dozen times
Then disappears, not a trace
Left behind
The thrower turns and walks away
A change of mind
Another start, a brand new day
MoneyMake your mind up
Who's going to think for you?
When the time comes
You'll have to see it through
Use your instinct
And take a risk or two
Don't you worry
'Cause you'll know what to do
Never Let Me GoLet me tell you what you are doing wrong
Been so .. for years well it's much too long
There just has to be another way
It will get you by getting day to day
If you need another point of view
Take a look of mine I got something new
I got something new
It's for you
Night PeopleNight people, night night people
Know night people, night night people
Know people know, the night people know
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
Night people, night night people
Know night people, night night people
One Man In My HeartWhen you ask me do I mean it?
You have to know
You are the only one
You ask me if it is forever
How can I show?
There's no comparison
Beyond your doubt
Beyond devout
Open Your HeartAnd when it hurts you know
They love to tell you
How they warned you
They say "Don't be surprised
At someone's lies"
They think they taunt you
But if you can stand the test
You know your worst is better
SecondsAll day
Hiding from the sun
Waiting for the golden one
Waiting for your fame
After the parade has gone
Outside was a happy place
Every face had a smile like the golden face
Tell Me WhenTell me when, tell me when
Tell me when will I see you again
Tell me when will I see you again
Tell me when will I see you again
Tell me when
Kelly took a lifetime searching for the bottom line
I wasn't in to searching 'cause I was doing fine
I wasn't into fighting, chasing, sweating, slaving, fretting, lacing
The LebanonShe dreams of nineteen sixty-nine
Before the soldiers came
The life was cheap on bread and wine
And sharing meant no shame
She is awakened by the screams
Of rockets flying from nearby
And scared she clings onto her dreams
To beat the fear that she might die
The Real ThingLa la la
Love is the real thing
You know
Love is the real thing
La la la la
La love
La la la
Love is the real thing
The Sound Of The CrowdAnd put your hand in a parting wave
Pass around
Make a shroud pulling combs through a backwash frame
Find the copies in a carbon mount
Pass around
Stroke a pocket with a print of a laughing sound
Get around town
Get around town
The Things That Dreams Are Made OfTake time to see the wonders of the world
To see the things you've only ever heard of
Dream life the way you think it ought to be
See things you thought you'd never ever see
Take a cruise to China or a train to Spain
Go round the world again and again
Meet a girl on a boat meet a boy on a train
And fall in love without the pain
These Are The DaysAh ah
Here's a song
About living in the past
If it was so good then
How come it didn't last?
If it helps you
I'll put it in a phrase
WXJL TonightThe way it was in the past
A long, long time ago
Before staff levels dropped
They used to listen to the radio
And listen to the DJs talk
About the songs they didn't know
As if it really mattered
Chorus :
Да Я плевал на ваши мненияВроде бы как расту я вроде бы не в пустую
Да нету студии но здесь расставленны стулья
Все сели по местам на сцене техника стайл
Я не устал а значит буду биться знай
Давай если ты с нами то след в истории оставим
может и не оставим но лучше так чем бездействие парень
Я буду парить впаривать строки в паре без пары бля
Давно не людиУ тебя проблемы давай расскажи ка всем
А им так интересно будет ведь так много общих тем
О ком то но не о себе за глаза базар и это
уж давно не люди Я б такими не назвал
А что ты видешь за пределами квартиры
Посмотри вокруг тут всех уже давно перепрошили
Знают как заработать себе на еду на хлеб
Завтро этот трек политит по городам-----------------------------------
Завтро этот трек политит по городам
Благодоря контакту людям и проводам
А сегодня допишу и на сервак отдам
Слушает пусть модам или друган
Завтро этот трек политит по городам
Благодоря контакту людям и проводам
ИскреннеДа тут всё не то да тут всё не так и хуй с ним
Но не читаю ведь о том как хуёво и грусно
А мне итак в кайф хотя порой чёто грузит
Собрать бы мысли все и тупо нажать на ПУСК
Пишу куплеты пока многие тупо пиздят
Обсуждая пидаров с телека под алкоЯД
Нет Я не буду таким поверь это наврятли
Поверь возможно всеА жизнь идёт своим чередом здесь мой дом
Моя отчизна родина что поливают говном
Говорят так было и будет а мне не верится
Встанет народ великий тут всё изменится
скажешь несу я охинею давай о другом
про то как кто-то губит себя табаком
заливает в барах и глатает отраву фу бля гон
Как подменили ценности вырвали дорогое
Мы тонем а нам же нравиться и мы довольны
Но не за то ведь раздавались выстрелы на поле боя
Чтобы ты страдал теперь и свой народ позорил
Как подменили ценности вырвали дорогое
Мы тонем а нам же нравиться и мы довольны
Пока живыПока живы и пока огонь горит в сердцах
Идём на зов справедливости до конца
И там не важно чё базарят уже Я сказал
Значит так и будет так и надо значит знай
Молчание не лучший друг да это точно
Давай за дело и точка делай пока можно
Пока есть шанс пока стоишь на ногах прочно
Расскажи как житьРасскажи как жить покажи как выжить
Что к чему не слышим или не хочем слышать
Выбирай сам то что по душе ближе
Из всего этово откинь ненужное слышешь
Вроде недавно ещё здесь с головой уже в деле
Зацепившись за главное своей следуй цели
сдесь неуместно слово некогда хватает времени
С ОкраинНовый день опять и дела вроде бы в норме
Выхожу из дома а ушах рэп отборный
Пробежка музыка мне она как допинг
Позитивный настрой и я в бодрой форме
Пока ты дома на диване мнёшь свои бока
Кто-то мутит молча во дворе выход с под турника
Не легка жизнь спортсмена ну дак это да
Через время---------------------------------------------------------------
Пронесёшь через время передашь свет
И у кого-то в сердцах он будет вечно гореть
Я буду верить до последнего есть тот свет
Что не погаснет никогда не даст умереть
Пронесёшь через время передашь свет
И у кого-то в сердцах он будет вечно гореть