Caring Is CreepyI think i'll go home and mull this over
Before i cram it down my throat
At long last it's crashed, it's colossal mass
Has broken up into bits in my moat.
Lift the mattress off the floor
Walk the cramps off
Go meander in the cold
40 Mark StrasseIs it all so very simple
And horribly complex?
You suffer in a thimble
And there's nothing coming next
Your mom smokes in the kitchen
Her voice a cutting drone
So creeping out, you pass the bar
A Comet AppearsOne hand on this wily comet,
Take a drink just to give me some weight,
Some uber-man I'd make,
I'm barely a vapor
They shone a chlorine light on,
A host of individual sins,
Let's carve my aging face off,
AustraliaTime to put the earphones on:
Born to multiply or born to gaze into night skies,
When all you want's one more Saturday.
But look here, until then
They're gonna buy your life's time
So keep your wick in the air and your feet in the fetters
Black WaveThis goose is cooked, these tongues are tied,
Around the block and airborne blind,
But looking on the brighter side,
There's far less to which I'd be obliged,
In the meadow where the black breeze blows,
Where underneath the waves, you were most alone,
Can you hear a subtle, aching tone?
Caring Is CreepyI think I'll go home and mull this over
Before I cram it down my throat.
At long last it's crashed, its colossal mass
Has broken up into bits in my moat.
Lift the mattress off the floor.
Walk the cramps off,
Go meander in the cold.
Fighting in a SackJust last night I woke from some unconscionable dream
And had it nailed to my forehead again
To keep this boat afloat
There are things you can't afford to know
So I save all my breath for the sails.
But you'll find those lingering voices
Are just your ego's attempt to make it all clean and nice
Girl Inform Megirl inform me all my senses warn me
your clever eyes could easily disguise
some backwards purpose
it's enough to make me nervous.
do you harbor sighs, or spit in my eye
but your lips when we speak
are the valleys and peaks of a mountain range on fire.
Girl On the Wingone wound up punch of intuition
lays flat my whole take on us.
you're the girl on the wing of a barnstormer
the tidal rabbit who came of age before her time.
we could have been so good-natured
if i'd relented when you insisted,
but we've been backed against
Girl SailorThe gutter may profess its love,
Then follow it with hesitation,
But there are just so many of
You out there for rent
A stronger girl would shake this off in flight,
And never give it more than a frowning hour,
But you have let your heart decide,
Goodbye GirlI met her in a poolroom
Her name I didn't catch
She looks like something special
The kind who'd understand
The room was almost spinning
She pulled another smile
She had the grace like pleasure
It's Only LifeDied in the war you have been
Cornered by your natural desire
You wanna hop along with the giddy throng through life
How are you meant to steer when you're grinding all your gears
You have been talking for hours
You said time will wash every tower to the sea
Now you have got this worry in your heart
Well it guess its all life is all natural
Kissing the LiplessCalled to see
If your back
was still aligned
And your sheets
Were growing grass
All on the corners of your bed
But you've got too much to wear
My Seventh RibYour silver tongue laughs at the clowns of our age
A slow production line of cheap-shots from both sides
Shot from the hip to my seventh rib
A spoiled tomato lies in all that you say
And I was the last of us to know
Sound the alarm for my sentimental ways
Have come in view and we've all got our own knives
New SlangGold teeth and a curse for this town were all in my mouth.
Only, i don't know how they got out, dear.
Turn me back into the pet that i was when we met.
I was happier then with no mind-set.
And if you'd 'a took to me like
A gull takes to the wind.
Well, i'd 'a jumped from my tree
Pariah KingIt all spans out on a plane.
Looking back hardly a hill or valley still remains.
The boy before the pain still longs for womb of love as he smashes down with a Cain.
It builds up and then it breaks down.
I's your perception alone of gray hands taking control.
But what can you do to prove it?
The flat waste of a life.
Phantom LimbFoals in winter coats
White girls of the north
File past one five and one
They are the fabled lambs
of Sunday ham
the EHS norm
And they could float above the grass
Pink BulletsI was just bony hands, as cold as a winter pole
You held a warm stone out, new flowing blood to hold
Oh what a contrast you were
To the brutes in the halls
My timid young fingers held a decent animal.
Over the ramparts you tossed
The scent of your skin and some foreign flowers
Pressed In a Bookdoted on like seeds planted in rows
the untied shoelaces of you life
nutured all year then presssed in a book
or displayed in bad taste at the table
problems arise and you fan the fire
while there's a wild pack of dogs loose in your house tonight.
cut from bad cloth or soiled like socks
add it up and basically people never change.
Saint SimonAfter all these implements and texts designed by intellects
So vexed to find evidently there's still so much that hides
And though the saints dub us divine in ancient fading lines
Their sentiment is just as hard to pluck from the vine
I'll try hard not to pretend
Allow myself no mock defense
As I step into the night
Since I don't have the time nor mind to figure out the nursery rhymes
Sea LegsOf all the churning random hearts under the sun
Eventually fading into night
These two are opening now as we lie
I touch you under fuller light
Girl if you're a seascape I'm a listing boat
For the thing carries every hope
I invest in a single lie
Simple SongWell this is just a simple song to say what you done
I told you about others fears and the way they didn’t run
The show must be start,
and you feel like an ocean in ..warmed by the sun
When I was just nine years old
I swear that I dreamed
Your face on a football field and I kissed the…
Under my vest, apart form everything,… the heart in my chest
Sleeping LessonsGo without
'Til the need seeps in
You're low, anymore
Collecting all the petals for the stem
And glow
Melt and flow
So Now WhatI had this crazy idea
Somehow we cruise to the end
Change lives and everything precious
Guess we'll just begin again
Oh girl, it's been a while
Since we met, out there in the cold
Seems so long ago
So Says IAn address to the golden door
I was strumming on a stone again
pulling teeth from the pimps of gore when hatched
a tragic opera in my mind...
and it told of a new design
in which every soul is duty bound
to uphold all the statutes of boredom therein lies
the fatal flaw of the red age.
Spilt NeedlesI've earned myself an impossible crime
Had to paint myself a hole and fall inside
It gets far enough in sight and rhyme
I get to wear another dress in counting time
Oh won't you do me the favor man
Of forgiving my poly-morphing opinion here
And your vague outline
Split NeedlesI've done myself an impossible crime,
Had to paint myself a hole,
And fall inside,
If it's far enough in sight and rhyme,
I get to wear another dress,
And count in time,
Oh, won't you do me the favor, man,
The Celibate LifeThe dust from a four-day affair is now landing
All over the floor and your brown legs
The glod plated legs of my rival
Whose eyes had no reason to fall.
You led no celibate life no skirt while chemicals danced on your head.
You stole the keys to this ride and your fables are falling tonight.
The Waltz Is OverThat hue in the sky
Just a glimpse of another life
Are barley missed by some stupid collection
Life's random dominoes, if it only been more aggressive.
Oh and it burns me up.
My friends might as well have pissed in my cup.
Cause they knew and they never spoke up.
Turn a SquareShe shone up bright like a knife
Wearing tennis shorts made of stripes
Hand in hand to the grass and we got it right
Got it nice, nice, nice
Just a glimpse of an ankle and I
React like it's 1805
And I'd swim to the poles just to find the right satellite
It'll take all of my strength to give up
Turn On MeYou can fake it for a while,
Bite your tongue and smile,
Like every mother does an ugly child.
But the stars are leaking out,
Like spittle from a cloud,
Amassed resentment counting ounce and pound.
You're entertaining any doubt,
We Will Become SilhouettesI've got a cupboard with cans of food, filtered water
And pictures of you and I'm not coming out
Until this is all over
And I'm looking through the glass
Where the light bends at the cracks
And I'm screaming at the top of my lungs pretending
The echoes belong to someone, someone I used to know
When I goosestepWhen you're riding the rails with those wide open eyes,
Well, there's one old south paw you will always fight.
And alone on a worn-out throne
is the reigning queen of the questions
Why we blind-footed toddlers ever started out.
So don't get into it with me
When I goose-step
When You Notice the StripesGold teeth and a curse for this town were all in my mouth
Only I don't know how they got out dear
Turn me back into the pet that I was when we met
I was happier then with no mind-set
And if you took to me like a gull takes to the wind
I'd 'a jumped from my trees and I'd dance like the king of the eyesores
And the rest of our lives would 'a fared well
Wonderful ChristmastimeThe moon is right
The spirits up
Were here tonight
And thats enough
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Young pilgrimsA cold and wet November dawn
And there are no barking sparrows
Just emptiness to dwell upon.
I fell into a winter slide
And ended up the kind of kid who goes down chutes too narrow
Just eking out my measly pies.