CheeseOne, two, three, four-
Dark SideI can have a dark side
If you want me to
I can have a dark side
I can develop my brooding potential
If pain's what you want in a man
Pain I can do
I can have a dark side, too
I can have a dark side...
LullabySleep, little baby,
sleep now my love
The milky ways shining, high up above.
When you grow up, You will learn all that stuff,
But now, close your eyes,
Close your eyes.
Sleep little baby, try not to sqalk.
The FenceSomewhere in your wardrobe, I'd be willing to bet
There's a t-shirt proudly bearing the silhouette of Che Guevara
He was revolutionary, yeah, he wore a cool hat
But behind the design I think you might find it's not quite as simple as that
Che was a bit of a homophobe, Che was a bit of a homophobe, apparently
Che was a bit of a homophobe, Che was a bit of a homophobe