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  • Текст песни Trans-Siberian Orchestra - The Wisdom of Snow

    Исполнитель: Trans-Siberian Orchestra
    Название песни: The Wisdom of Snow
    Дата добавления: 20.06.2024 | 16:34:24
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Trans-Siberian Orchestra - The Wisdom of Snow, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    Now why this man's soul was bleeding
    The angel had to understand
    So invisible, he stood by him
    And then gently touched his hand

    Which caused the man to stand there still
    Despite the winter's cold
    And while he stood there in that trance
    The angel read his soul

    It seemed the man was not always like
    The man he had become
    And that angel wondered how that change had happened
    And when it had begun

    The man had been born to a kind and religious family
    And raised in the midwest
    And all throughout his childhood
    This man, clearly, had been blessed

    He grew up believing, among other things
    Man was made in the image of god
    He went to school, observed all rules
    While working very hard

    He had always tried to help others
    Excelled at nearly every task
    And when he'd graduated high school
    Of course, he was the first one in his class

    And in his eighteenth summer
    When it was time for him to leave
    He had offers from several colleges
    All of them ivy league

    And at college in all his studies
    He always received straight "a"s
    And when he tried his hand in theater
    He got the lead in the senior play

    It appeared to nearly everyone
    There was no talent that he lacked
    And for three years on the football team
    He was, the star quarterback

    And there he also met the girl
    Who did become his wife
    With her, his world was now complete
    He had the perfect life

    When they had graduated college
    They were wed in a ceremony quite grand
    Then they moved to new york
    In a dream they seemed caught
    Where all had been perfectly planned

    She decorated their park avenue apartment
    In a 1920's art-deco style
    And six months after they had moved in
    She told him, they would soon be having a child

    And after their first ultrasound
    He knew they were having a son
    Their lives could not have been better
    And they had only just begun

    Together they arrived early at the hospital
    On the delivery date
    The father was taking no chances
    And did not want to risk being late

    But while waiting outside the delivery room
    He could tell that something was going wrong
    For too many doctors were rushing in
    With none coming out for too long

    When her own doctor finally came out
    With several nurses at his side
    He said that his wife had started hemorrhaging
    And despite their best efforts, she died

    Then in an effort to console him
    A nurse gave him his newborn to hold
    But from the way the child felt limp in his arms
    He knew there was still more bad news to be told

    The doctor then gave the prognosis
    As gently as anyone could
    But before he could finish explaining
    The father only too well understood

    The child had been cut off from oxygen
    For minutes, which is far too long
    The damage was now irreversible
    His brain permanently malformed

    He'd never hold a job,
    Learn to read or ever talk
    And it would be a miracle
    If the child even learned how to walk

    And with those words the father felt
    His entire world falling apart
    And he stumbled for the words to express
    The tearing inside of his heart

    He cried out, why did god have to take her
    While she was still so young
    And then as if to cut him deeper
    Leave this thing here as his son

    "please explain to me god's wisdom
    How could he decide
    To take from me my precious wife
    While leaving this alive

    There is no reason for this life
    Why does he even exist
    And if he had never been born
    There is no way he'd have ever been missed

    If man is made in god's image
    Then something here is surely amiss
    For there is nothing of god
    Nothing of god
    Nothing of god
    Nothing of god
    Nothing of god in this"

    And then he asked for the child
    To be placed in a state run home
    And after he had signed the papers
    He walked into that night alone

    And in this world he found unkind
    He built a wall around his mind
    And every year he'd add new parts
    Until it had also enclosed his heart

    He kept his job and paid his debts
    As he slowly became a silhouette
    Of a man walking among the tombs
    While living his life within his wounds

    He distanced himself from all his friends
    Even his sisters and brothers
    And as time it went by, he developed his eyes
    So they could only see the flaws in others

    With this final glimpse, the angel stepped away
    And the man shook himself out of his trance
    Then continued his walk back towards his home
    And few would have given his soul half of a chance

    And the angel himself felt helpless
    As he watched that old man there
    So he did what even humans do
    And he quickly said a prayer

    And as the prayer flew to his lord
    The angel did decide
    To carefully follow the old man
    And stay closely by his side

    For on this night can one deny
    The gift of a more sympathetic eye
    To cast upon our fellow man
    And on this night to understand

    The frailty of childhood dreams
    Like fireflies over summer streams
    And if one dared to remove time's veil
    Could one retrace those childhood trails?

    But whispers in the winter's wind
    Told of rescued dreams, forgiven sins
    And who among us shall be deemed
    To rescue some forgotten dream?

    So on this night of christmas eve
    As once again the spirits weave
    Its snow swept dreams and colored lights
    With bits of magic into each life

    And as the snow comes gently down
    Its soul intent to reach the ground
    To cover scars the world still feels
    Perhaps to give them time to heal

    For as men invest in money
    And professors in what they know
    God invests in mercy
    Like winter invests in snow
    Пока это также не закрыло его сердце

    Он сохранил свою работу и заплатил свои долги
    Как он медленно стал силуэтом
    Человека, идущего среди гробниц
    Живя своей жизнью в ранах

    Он дистанцировался от всех своих друзей
    Даже его сестры и братья
    И со временем он развил глаза
    Чтобы они могли видеть только недостатки в других

    С этим последним проблеском, ангел ушел
    И мужчина покачался из своего транса
    Затем продолжил свою прогулку к своему дому
    И немногие дали бы его душу половину шанса

    И сам ангел чувствовал себя беспомощным
    Когда он наблюдал за этим стариком там
    Итак, он сделал то, что даже люди делают
    И он быстро произнес молитву

    И когда молитва полетела к его Господу
    Ангел решил
    Тщательно следовать за стариком
    И оставайтесь рядом с ним

    В эту ночь можно отрицать
    Дар более сочувствующего глаза
    Сыграть на нашего собратья
    И в эту ночь, чтобы понять

    Хрупкость детских мечтаний
    Как светлячки в летних ручьях
    И если кто -то осмелился удалить вуаль времени
    Можно ли просматривать эти детские тропы?

    Но шепчет зимним ветром
    Рассказали о спасенных мечтах, прощенных грехах
    И кого среди нас будет считаться
    Чтобы спасти какую -то забытую мечту?

    Так что в эту ночь канун Рождества
    Как снова плетение духа
    Его снежные снежные мечты и цветные огни
    С кусочками магии в каждую жизнь

    И когда снег нежно падает
    Его душа намерение добраться до земли
    Чтобы покрыть шрамы, мир все еще чувствует
    Возможно, чтобы дать им время исцелять

    Ибо как мужчины вкладывают в деньги
    И профессора в том, что они знают
    Бог инвестирует в милосердие
    Как зима инвестирует в снег


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