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  • Текст песни 3 Doors Down - Pages

    Исполнитель: 3 Doors Down
    Название песни: Pages
    Дата добавления: 14.06.2014 | 07:18:48
    Просмотров: 26
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    Здесь расположен текст песни 3 Doors Down - Pages, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    What happens to a man when
    He spills his heart on a page and
    He watches words flow away then
    His feelings lie on the page alone
    There waiting
    For someone who cares to read them
    To open their eyes to see them
    To see if they can make his thoughts their own
    To find out that maybe your life's not perfect
    Maybe it's not worth what he gives away

    You can see that this broken soul is bleeding
    So you can see your feelings inside yourself
    And wander through my heart
    Letting you see through me
    Now only consumes me
    Forget your pain, watch me fall apart

    What happens to a soul when
    It's trapped inside his emotions
    And all of these words he's spoken
    They bind him to the life he's left behind
    And every new step he takes
    He knows that he might not make it
    To all of these dreams that he has yet to find

    Maybe your life's not perfect
    But maybe it's not worth what he gives away
    You can see that this broken soul is bleeding
    So you can see your feelings inside yourself
    And wander through my heart
    Letting you see through me
    Now only consumes me
    Forget your pain and watch me fall apart

    You can see that this broken soul is bleeding
    So you can see your feelings inside yourself
    And wander through my heart
    Letting you see through me
    Now only consumes me
    Forget your pain and watch me fall apart
    As i fall apart

    Что случается с человеком, когда
    Он открывает свое сердце страницам и
    Замечает, что слова куда-то уплывают,
    И лишь чувства остаются одиноко покоиться на страницах
    В ожидании
    Тех, кто захочет их прочесть,
    Открыть глаза на самих себя,
    Понять, смогут ли они присвоить его мысли,
    Узнать, что, возможно, их жизнь не идеальна
    И не стоит вложенных сил...

    Ты видишь, что эта раненая душа кровоточит -
    Так ты видишь свои собственные чувства
    И проникаешь в моё сердце....
    Теперь тот факт, что я разрешаю тебе смотреть сквозь меня,
    Лишь съедает меня....
    Забудь свою боль, наблюдай за моей гибелью...

    Что случается с душой, когда
    Она попадает в клетку человеческих эмоций
    И все те слова, что он говорил,
    Связывают его с жизнью, которую он оставил позади...
    Он знает, что мог бы вовсе не делать
    Каждый свой новый шаг
    По направлению к мечтам, которые лишь предстоит воплотить в жизнь...
    Возможно, твоя жизнь не идеальна
    И не стоит вложенных сил...

    Ты видишь, что эта раненая душа кровоточит -
    Так ты видишь свои собственные чувства
    И проникаешь в моё сердце....
    Теперь тот факт, что я разрешаю тебе смотреть сквозь меня,
    Лишь съедает меня....
    Забудь свою боль, наблюдай за моей гибелью...

    Ты видишь, что эта раненая душа кровоточит -
    Так ты видишь свои собственные чувства
    И проникаешь в моё сердце....
    Теперь тот факт, что я разрешаю тебе смотреть сквозь меня,
    Лишь съедает меня....
    Забудь свою боль, наблюдай за моей гибелью...
    За моей гибелью...
    What happens to a man when
    He spills his heart on a page and
    He watches words flow away then
    His feelings lie on the page alone
    There waiting
    For someone who cares to read them
    To open their eyes to see them
    To see if they can make his thoughts their own
    To find out that maybe your life's not perfect
    Maybe it's not worth what he gives away

    You can see that this broken soul is bleeding
    So you can see your feelings inside yourself
    And wander through my heart
    Letting you see through me
    Now only consumes me
    Forget your pain, watch me fall apart

    What happens to a soul when
    It's trapped inside his emotions
    And all of these words he's spoken
    They bind him to the life he's left behind
    And every new step he takes
    He knows that he might not make it
    To all of these dreams that he has yet to find

    Maybe your life's not perfect
    But maybe it's not worth what he gives away
    You can see that this broken soul is bleeding
    So you can see your feelings inside yourself
    And wander through my heart
    Letting you see through me
    Now only consumes me
    Forget your pain and watch me fall apart

    You can see that this broken soul is bleeding
    So you can see your feelings inside yourself
    And wander through my heart
    Letting you see through me
    Now only consumes me
    Forget your pain and watch me fall apart
    As i fall apart

    What happens to a man when
    He opens his heart and pages
    Observes that the words somewhere swim ,
    And only the lonely feelings remain at rest on the pages
    Those who want to read them ,
    Open your eyes to themselves,
    Understand whether they can assign his thoughts ,
    Check that maybe their life is not perfect
    And do not be nested forces ...

    You see that this wounded soul bleeds -
    So you see your own feelings
    And penetrates into my heart ....
    Now the fact that I 'll let you look right through me ,
    Only eats me ....
    Forget your pain , watch for my death ...

    What happens to the soul when
    It enters the cell of human emotions
    And all the words that he spoke ,
    Associate it with the life he left behind ...
    He knows that he could not do
    Every step of his new
    Towards the dreams that just will realize ...
    Maybe your life is not perfect
    And do not be nested forces ...

    You see that this wounded soul bleeds -
    So you see your own feelings
    And penetrates into my heart ....
    Now the fact that I 'll let you look right through me ,
    Only eats me ....
    Forget your pain , watch for my death ...

    You see that this wounded soul bleeds -
    So you see your own feelings
    And penetrates into my heart ....
    Now the fact that I 'll let you look right through me ,
    Only eats me ....
    Forget your pain , watch for my death ...
    For my death ...


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