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  • Текст песни Мигалка - 182 - Песня Адама

    Исполнитель: Мигалка - 182
    Название песни: Песня Адама
    Дата добавления: 20.06.2014 | 16:07:13
    Просмотров: 31
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Мигалка - 182 - Песня Адама, перевод и видео.
    I never thought I'd die alone
    I laughed the loudest, who'd have known?
    I traced the cord back to the wall
    No wonder it was never plugged in at all

    I took my time, I hurried up
    The choice was mine, I didn't think enough
    I'm too depressed to go on
    You'll be sorry when I'm gone

    I never conquered, rarely came
    16 just held such better days
    Days when I still felt alive
    We couldn't wait to get outside

    The world was wide, too late to try
    The tour was over, we'd survived
    I couldn't wait 'til I got home
    To pass the time in my room alone

    I never thought I'd die alone
    Another six months, I'll be unknown
    Give all my things to all my friends
    You'll never step foot in my room again

    You'll close it off, board it up
    Remember the time that I spilled the cup
    Of apple juice in the hall
    Please tell mom this is not her fault

    I never conquered, rarely came
    16 just held such better days
    Days when I still felt alive
    We couldn't wait to get outside

    The world was wide, too late to try
    The tour was over, we'd survived
    I couldn't wait 'til I got home
    To pass the time in my room alone

    I never conquered, rarely came
    Tomorrow holds such better days
    Days when I can still feel alive
    When I can't wait to get outside

    The world is wide, the time goes by
    The tour is over, I've survived
    I can't wait 'til I get home
    To pass the time in my room alone
    Я никогда не думал, что я умру одиноким,
    Я смеялся громче всех, но кто же мог знать?
    Я прокладывал провод вдоль стены,
    Неудивительно, что его никогда не включали в розетку.

    Я убивал время, я спешил,
    Это был мой выбор, но я его не обдумал
    Я слишком подавлен чтобы продолжать
    Ты расстроишься, когда я уйду.

    Я никогда не дрался, приходил редко
    Шестнадцатилетие только удерживало эти лучшие дни,
    Дни, когда я еще чувствовал себя живым,
    Мы не могли ждать, чтобы выбраться...

    Мир был огромен, слишком поздно пытаться
    Путешествие было окончено, но я выжил.
    Я не мог ждать возвращения домой,
    Чтобы сидеть в одиночестве в своей комнате.

    Я никогда не думал, что я умру одиноким,
    Целых шесть месяцев я буду неизвестен.
    Раздайте мои вещи моим друзьям,
    Вы никогда не переступите порог моей комнаты.

    Закройте ее и заколотите досками,
    Вспомните, когда я разбил чашку
    Яблочного сока в холле,
    Скажите маме, что это не ее вина.

    Я никогда не дрался, приходил редко
    Шестнадцатилетие только удерживало эти лучшие дни,
    Дни, когда я еще чувствовал себя живым,
    Мы не могли ждать, чтобы выбраться...

    Мир был огромен, слишком поздно пытаться
    Путешествие было окончено, но мы выжили.
    Я не мог ждать возвращения домой,
    Чтобы сидеть в одиночестве в своей комнате.

    Я никогда не дрался, приходил редко
    Завтрашний день удерживает эти лучшие дни,
    Дни, когда я смогу чувствовать себя живым,
    Когда я не смогу ждать, чтобы выбраться...

    Мир огромен, время летит,
    Путешествие заканчивается, но я выжил.
    Я не могу ждать возвращения домой,
    Чтобы сидеть в одиночестве в своей комнате.
    I never thought I'd die alone
    I laughed the loudest, who'd have known?
    I traced the cord back to the wall
    No wonder it was never plugged in at all

    I took my time, I hurried up
    The choice was mine, I didn't think enough
    I'm too depressed to go on
    You'll be sorry when I'm gone

    I never conquered, rarely came
    16 just held such better days
    Days when I still felt alive
    We couldn't wait to get outside

    The world was wide, too late to try
    The tour was over, we'd survived
    I couldn't wait 'til I got home
    To pass the time in my room alone

    I never thought I'd die alone
    Another six months, I'll be unknown
    Give all my things to all my friends
    You'll never step foot in my room again

    You'll close it off, board it up
    Remember the time that I spilled the cup
    Of apple juice in the hall
    Please tell mom this is not her fault

    I never conquered, rarely came
    16 just held such better days
    Days when I still felt alive
    We couldn't wait to get outside

    The world was wide, too late to try
    The tour was over, we'd survived
    I couldn't wait 'til I got home
    To pass the time in my room alone

    I never conquered, rarely came
    Tomorrow holds such better days
    Days when I can still feel alive
    When I can't wait to get outside

    The world is wide, the time goes by
    The tour is over, I've survived
    I can't wait 'til I get home
    To pass the time in my room alone
    I never thought I would die a lonely ,
    I laughed the loudest , but who could have known ?
    I put the wires along the wall ,
    No wonder he never turned into a power outlet .

    I was killing time, I was in a hurry ,
    It was my choice , but I have not thought about
    I'm too depressed to continue
    You'd be upset , when I'm gone .

    I never fought , rarely come
    Sixteenth only kept those better days
    Days when I still felt alive
    We could not wait to get ...

    The world was huge, too late to try
    The journey was over, but I survived .
    I could not wait to return home
    To sit alone in his room.

    I never thought I would die a lonely ,
    As many as six months, I'll unknown.
    Give my things to my friends ,
    You never cross the threshold of my room .

    Close it , and pounded the boards ,
    Remember when I broke the cup
    Apple juice in the lobby,
    Tell my mom that it was not her fault .

    I never fought , rarely come
    Sixteenth only kept those better days
    Days when I still felt alive
    We could not wait to get ...

    The world was huge, too late to try
    The journey was over, but we survived .
    I could not wait to return home
    To sit alone in his room.

    I never fought , rarely come
    Tomorrow holds such better days
    The days when I can feel alive ,
    When I can not wait to get ...

    The world is huge , time flies
    The journey ends , but I survived .
    I can not wait to return home
    To sit alone in his room.


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