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  • Текст песни Hurts - Affair

    Исполнитель: Hurts
    Название песни: Affair
    Дата добавления: 29.07.2020 | 14:58:44
    Просмотров: 12
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Hurts - Affair, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    Affair (оригинал Hurts)
    Запретная любовь
    Rough fleet on the river,
    Все мои тревоги –
    Where my troubles belong.
    Это волны бушующей реки,
    'Cause you know I love you,
    Ты знаешь, я люблю тебя,
    But I know it's wrong,
    А я понимаю, что так не должно быть,
    But your body is all that I want.
    Но не могу прожить вдали от твоего тела.

    Rosy affair...
    Красивая любовная история...
    You took my heart for a little while
    Ты овладела моим сердцем на мгновение,
    The greatest mistake I've ever made
    Величайшая ошибка,
    Loving you.
    Которую я мог совершить –

    Полюбить тебя.
    Rosy Affair...

    I gave you my heart for a little while
    Пленительный любовный роман...
    I wish I could stay with you tonight.
    Ты покорила мое сердце ненадолго,
    I'm going home...
    Сгораю от желания остаться с тобою на ночь,

    Но ухожу домой...
    And we danced all night in the shadows,

    Alone we stood in the crowd.
    В полумраке ночи мы танцевали, прижавшись друг к другу,
    But I'm going crazy, now you're not around
    Не замечая никого вокруг.
    You should find another lover, baby
    И я схожу с ума, осознавая, что тебя нет рядом,
    Won't let you down.
    Но тебе лучше найти другого возлюбленного, крошка,

    Ведь я не хочу разочаровывать тебя.
    Rosy affair...

    You took my heart for a little while
    Умопомрачительное любовное наваждение...
    The greatest mistake I've ever made –
    Ты овладела моим сердцем на мгновение.
    Loving you.
    Самая большая глупость, которую я мог совершить –

    Влюбиться в тебя...
    Rosy Affair...

    I gave you my heart for a little while.
    Неземная любовная связь... но без продолжения,
    I wish I could stay with you tonight.
    Я отдал тебе свое сердце ненадолго,
    I'm going home...
    Мечтаю остаться с тобою на ночь,

    Но ухожу домой...
    I'm sorry that I couldn't love you no more,

    I'm sorry that I didn't tell you,
    Прости, что не смогу любить тебя дольше,
    Or talk to you, Rosy.
    Прости, что не объяснил тебе...

    Не поговорил с тобой раньше, милая...
    If I stay here tonight

    There'll be trouble,
    Ты же знаешь, что если останусь на ночь,
    But I don't want to pretend.
    Мы не сможем устоять...
    'Cause I knew that we'll make it
    Нет смысла притворяться,
    My heart just can't take it no more,
    Все произойдет стремительно...
    But I would rather lose a lover, baby, over it all.
    Мое сердце больше не может сопротивляться,

    Но я бы предпочёл потерять возлюбленную и положить этому конец...
    Rosy affair...

    The greatest mistake I've ever made.
    Моя соблазнительная мечта... но несбыточная...

    Самая большая ошибка моей жизни...
    Rosy affair...

    For a little while, too long
    Манящая любовная страсть...
    Wish I could stay with you tonight.
    Казалось, ненадолго... но невозможно затянулась.

    Как же я хочу остаться с тобою на ночь!!!
    Rosy affair...

    You took my heart for a little while
    Непреодолимое любовное влечение...
    Greatest mistake I've ever made –
    Ты околдовала мое сердце,
    Loving you.
    Самая большая глупость, которую я мог совершить –

    Влюбиться в тебя...
    Rosy affair...

    I gave you my heart for a little while
    Сладкий запретный плод...
    Wish I could stay with you tonight
    Я отдал тебе свое сердце всего на мгновение,
    I'm going home
    Жажду остаться с тобой на ночь,

    Но все же иду домой...
    Affair (original Hurts)
    Forbidden love
    Rough fleet on the river,
    All my worries
    Where my troubles belong.
    These are the waves of a raging river
    'Cause you know I love you,
    You know i love you
    But I know it's wrong,
    And I understand that it shouldn't be so
    But your body is all that I want.
    But I cannot live away from your body.

    Rosy affair ...
    Beautiful love story ...
    You took my heart for a little while
    You took possession of my heart for a moment
    The greatest mistake I've ever made
    The greatest mistake
    Loving you.
    That I could do

    To love you.
    Rosy Affair ...

    I gave you my heart for a little while
    A captivating love story ...
    I wish I could stay with you tonight.
    You won my heart for a little while
    I'm going home ...
    I'm burning with desire to stay with you for the night

    But I'm going home ...
    And we danced all night in the shadows,

    Alone we stood in the crowd.
    In the twilight of the night we danced huddled together
    But I'm going crazy, now you're not around
    Not noticing anyone around.
    You should find another lover, baby
    And I go crazy realizing that you are not there
    Won't let you down.
    But you better find another lover, baby

    I don’t want to disappoint you.
    Rosy affair ...

    You took my heart for a little while
    Mind-blowing love obsession ...
    The greatest mistake I've ever made -
    You took possession of my heart for a moment.
    Loving you.
    The biggest foolishness I could have done

    Falling in love with you ...
    Rosy Affair ...

    I gave you my heart for a little while.
    An unearthly love affair ... but without a continuation,
    I wish I could stay with you tonight.
    I gave you my heart for a little while
    I'm going home ...
    I dream of staying with you for the night

    But I'm going home ...
    I'm sorry that I couldn't love you no more,

    I'm sorry that I didn't tell you,
    I'm sorry that I can't love you any longer
    Or talk to you, Rosy.
    I'm sorry I didn't explain to you ...

    Didn't talk to you before honey ...
    If I stay here tonight

    There'll be trouble,
    You know that if I stay the night
    But I don't want to pretend.
    We won't be able to resist ...
    'Cause I knew that we'll make it
    There's no point in pretending
    My heart just can't take it no more,
    Everything will happen quickly ...
    But I would rather lose a lover, baby, over it all.
    My heart can no longer resist

    But I would rather lose my beloved and put an end to it ...
    Rosy affair ...

    The greatest mistake I've ever made.
    My seductive dream ... but impossible ...

    The biggest mistake of my life ...
    Rosy affair ...

    For a little while, too long
    Alluring love passion ...
    Wish I could stay with you tonight.
    It seemed not for long ... but it was impossible to drag on.

    How I want to stay with you for the night !!!
    Rosy affair ...

    You took my heart for a little while
    Irresistible love attraction ...
    Greatest mistake I've ever made -
    You have bewitched my heart
    Loving you.
    The biggest foolishness I could have done

    Falling in love with you ...
    Rosy affair ...

    I gave you my heart for a little while
    Sweet forbidden fruit ...
    Wish I could stay with you tonight
    I gave you my heart for just a moment
    I'm going home
    I long to stay with you for the night

    But still I'm going home ...


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