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  • Текст песни Nightwish - 10 - Once Upon a Troubadour

    Исполнитель: Nightwish
    Название песни: 10 - Once Upon a Troubadour
    Дата добавления: 22.06.2014 | 05:17:06
    Просмотров: 33
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Nightwish - 10 - Once Upon a Troubadour, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    A lonely bard wandering across the lands am I
    Singing dancing finding answers to every why
    The taverns are full and one crosses my path, too
    I just might reward myself with a beer or two

    This inn the place of many romantic tales
    On the loft women offer their sales
    But my eyes they catch a girl beat by everyone
    A slave she is but for me a rose undone

    Hear me sing
    Watch me dance
    Play that lute of thine
    And share with me this dance

    As she danced my eyes began to shine
    There she was the maiden so divine
    How could I approach her with my outlook so poor
    Her beauty being much more than I could endure

    So I asked if I could sing a chanson
    With a language of ancient and of lore
    Gathered the men around us me and the girl in rags
    Soon were the melodies heard by all who came to pass

    Hear us sing
    Watch us dance
    Sing with us this tale
    With a clap of hands

    The stories long-forgotten we still know
    Performing our skills wherever we go
    I end my story as I receive a kiss
    From my girl the dearest Beatrice

    Hear us sing
    Watch us dance
    Sing with us the tales
    Which the music will keep alive

    Я - одинокий бард, путешествующий по разным местам.
    Танцующий, поющий, находящий ответ на каждое "почему"
    Таверны полны, и одна стоит прямо передо мной.
    Я просто думаю, не наградить ли себя кружкой пива или двумя?

    Этот постоялый двор - место многих романтических историй.
    На чердаке женщины предлагают свой товар,
    Но мои глаза останавливаются на той, что всеми избита,
    Здесь она рабыня, но для меня - нераскрывшийся бутон...

    Послушай, как я пою,
    Посмотри, как я танцую,
    Наиграй на своей лютне
    И раздели со мной этот танец...

    Пока она танцевала, мои глаза начали сиять,
    Она была божественна.
    Как я мог предстать перед ней в таком ужасном виде!
    Ее красота намного больше, чем я могу вынести...

    И я спросил, могу ли спеть песню
    На языке древних и мудрых.
    Люди столпились вокруг нас - меня и девушки в тряпье.
    Вскоре мелодию услышали все, кто пришел...

    Послушайте, как мы поём,
    Посмотрите, как мы танцуем.
    Спойте с нами этот рассказ
    И хлопайте в ладони....

    Мы все еще помним давно забытые истории,
    Показывая наши умения там, куда бы ни пошли.
    Я же заканчиваю свою историю тем, что получаю поцелуй
    От моей девушки, дорогой Беатрис....

    Послушайте, как мы поём,
    Посмотрите, как мы танцуем.
    Спойте с нами эти рассказы,
    Которые музыка сохранит живыми....
    A lonely bard wandering across the lands am I
    Singing dancing finding answers to every why
    The taverns are full and one crosses my path, too
    I just might reward myself with a beer or two

    This inn the place of many romantic tales
    On the loft women offer their sales
    But my eyes they catch a girl beat by everyone
    A slave she is but for me a rose undone

    Hear me sing
    Watch me dance
    Play that lute of thine
    And share with me this dance

    As she danced my eyes began to shine
    There she was the maiden so divine
    How could I approach her with my outlook so poor
    Her beauty being much more than I could endure

    So I asked if I could sing a chanson
    With a language of ancient and of lore
    Gathered the men around us me and the girl in rags
    Soon were the melodies heard by all who came to pass

    Hear us sing
    Watch us dance
    Sing with us this tale
    With a clap of hands

    The stories long-forgotten we still know
    Performing our skills wherever we go
    I end my story as I receive a kiss
    From my girl the dearest Beatrice

    Hear us sing
    Watch us dance
    Sing with us the tales
    Which the music will keep alive

    I - single bard, traveling to different places .
    Dancing , singing , finding the answer to every "why"
    Taverns are full and one is standing right in front of me .
    I just think , if not reward yourself a beer or two?

    This inn - a place of many romantic stories .
    In the attic women offer their wares ,
    But my eyes stop at the one that all beaten
    Here she is a slave , but for me - unopened bud ...

    Listen as I sing,
    Look how I dance
    Factitious at its lute
    And stripped me this dance ...

    As she danced , my eyes began to shine ,
    She was divine.
    How could I stand in front of her in such a terrible sight !
    Her beauty is much more than I can bear ...

    And I asked if I could sing a song
    In the language of the ancient and wise .
    People crowded around us - me and the girls in rags .
    Soon melody heard everyone who came ...

    Listen as we sing ,
    See how we dance .
    Sing with us this story
    And clap your hands ....

    We still remember the long forgotten history
    Showing our skills there, wherever you went.
    I finish my story so that I get a kiss
    Off my girl , my dear Beatrice ....

    Listen as we sing ,
    See how we dance .
    Sing with us these stories ,
    That music will keep alive ....


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