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  • Текст песни One Republic - Life In Colour

    Исполнитель: One Republic
    Название песни: Life In Colour
    Дата добавления: 06.12.2017 | 07:15:30
    Просмотров: 6
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    Здесь расположен текст песни One Republic - Life In Colour, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    [Verse 1:]
    I do my best
    To find some kind of glow
    I'm givin' it some heart and soul, now
    From the darkest grays
    The sun bursts, clouds break.
    Yeah, we see that fire
    From the streets of Babylon
    To the road that we've been on now,
    The kaleidoscope claims another.

    Well, this is life in color,
    Today feels like no other.
    And the darkest grays
    The sun bursts, clouds break.
    Well, this is life in motion,
    And just when I could run this race no more.
    The sun bursts, clouds break.
    This is life in color. [x2]

    [Verse 2:]
    You've seen my worst
    Yet you see some hope in me.
    The black and white sets us free,
    Like the queen to the rook.
    Your decision is a sure thing,
    Honey, yeah, a sure thing.
    No wonder, I feel
    Like I'm missing a heavy load,
    But no matter what daylight brings to us,
    We all know.

    [Chorus: x4]
    Well, this is life in color,
    Today feels like no other.
    And the darkest grays
    The sun bursts, clouds break.
    Well, this is life in motion,
    And just when I could run this race no more.
    The sun bursts, clouds break.
    This is life in color. [x2]


    [Куплет 1:]
    Я стараюсь изо всех сил,
    Чтобы найти хоть какой-нибудь просвет.
    Я вкладываю в это сердце и душу,
    И сейчас сквозь мглу и серость,
    Развеивая облака, прорывается солнце.
    И этот огонь виден
    От улиц Вавилона
    До дороги, по которой мы идём,
    Но жизненный калейдоскоп говорит иное...

    Вот она – жизнь в цвете,
    Сегодня никто не испытывает таких же чувств, как мы.
    И сквозь мглу и серость,
    Развеивая облака, прорывается солнце.
    Вот она – жизнь в движении,
    И когда кажется, что я уже не в силах продолжать так жить,
    Развеивая облака, прорывается солнце.
    Это жизнь в цвете. [х2]

    [Куплет 2:]
    Ты видела меня с худшей стороны,
    Но заметила и мою надежду.
    Мы разные, поэтому свободны теперь,
    Это как будто ферзь на шахматной доске открыл путь ладье.
    Твоё решение очевидно,
    Да, милочка, очевидно.
    Неудивительно, что я чувствую себя так,
    Будто сбросил камень с души.
    И не важно, что принесёт нам день,
    Мы все это и так знаем.

    [Припев: x4]
    Вот она – жизнь в цвете,
    Сегодня никто не испытывает таких же чувств, как мы.
    И сквозь мглу и серость,
    Развеивая облака, прорывается солнце.
    Вот она – жизнь в движении,
    И когда кажется, что я уже не в силах продолжать так жить,
    Развеивая облака, прорывается солнце.
    Это жизнь в цвете. [х2]
    [Verse 1:]
    I do my best
    To find some kind of glow
    I'm givin 'it some heart and soul now
    From the darkest grays
    The sun bursts, clouds break.
    Yeah, we see that fire
    From the streets of Babylon
    To the road that we've been on now,
    The kaleidoscope claims another.

    Well, this is life in color,
    Today feels like no other.
    And the darkest grays
    The sun bursts, clouds break.
    Well, this is life in motion,
    And I could run this race no more.
    The sun bursts, clouds break.
    This is life in color. [x2]

    [Verse 2:]
    You have seen my worst
    Yet you see some hope in me.
    The black and white sets us free,
    Like the queen to the rook.
    Your decision is a sure thing,
    Honey, yeah, a sure thing.
    No wonder, I feel
    Like I'm missing a heavy load,
    But no matter what daylight brings to us,
    We all know.

    [Chorus: x4]
    Well, this is life in color,
    Today feels like no other.
    And the darkest grays
    The sun bursts, clouds break.
    Well, this is life in motion,
    And I could run this race no more.
    The sun bursts, clouds break.
    This is life in color. [x2]


    [Verse 1:]
    I try my best
    To find at least some clearance.
    I put in this heart and soul
    And now through the mist and dullness,
    Spreading the clouds, the sun breaks through.
    And this fire is visible
    From the streets of Babylon
    To the road we are on,
    But the life kaleidoscope says otherwise ...

    Here it is - a life in color
    Today, no one feels the same feelings as we do.
    And through the mist and gray,
    Spreading the clouds, the sun breaks through.
    Here it is - life in motion,
    And when it seems that I can no longer continue to live like this,
    Spreading the clouds, the sun breaks through.
    This is a life in color. [x2]

    [Verse 2:]
    You saw me from the worst side
    But I noticed my hope.
    We are different, so free now,
    It is as if the queen on the chessboard opened the way for the rook.
    Your decision is obvious
    Yes, darling, obviously.
    No wonder I feel that way
    As if threw a stone from the soul.
    And no matter what the day brings us,
    We all know that already.

    [Chorus: x4]
    Here it is - a life in color
    Today, no one feels the same feelings as we do.
    And through the mist and gray,
    Spreading the clouds, the sun breaks through.
    Here it is - life in motion,
    And when it seems that I can no longer continue to live like this,
    Spreading the clouds, the sun breaks through.
    This is a life in color. [x2]


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