'Adieu my good and tender sister...'QUEEN
Adieu my good and tender sister
I am condemned to die
My only regret is to abandon my children
My children, my God, how it tears me to leave them
My love for them was always first and last
My God, I miss my children so
'And in the bushes where they survive...'RINGMASTER
And in the bushes where they survive
The winter hail and the slaughter
The birds were attacked by the dogs and the rats
Hiding round every corner
'In Paris there's a rumble under the ground...'TROUBLEMAKER
In Paris there’s a rumble under the ground
It’s a sound of the printing press
And like a volcano when it blows
It spews out ideas like confetti, like snow
Read all about it!
'My dear Cousin Bourbon of Spain...'KING
My dear Cousin Bourbon of Spain
This letter I entrust to a courier faithful and sure
Is to calm your fears and tell you cousin dear
My heart is pure
This red cap I wear
These lies they’ve made me swear
Are repugnant to my soul
'So to the streets in the pouring rain...'RINGMASTER
So to the streets in the pouring rain
The dispossessed and the drunk and the lame
Gathered in bands and took the Law into their own hands
Like the daring young man on the flying trapeze
Like birds flying into a storm
They took the great leap
'The echoes never fade from that fusillade...'RINGMASTER
The echoes never fade from that fusillade
Lafayette fired upon
An unarmed crowd, six thousand strong
The fragile ship of State
Sinks beneath the waves
The crashing sea of blood
'The National Assembly is confused...'RINGMASTER
The National Assembly is confused
The Girondins blow back and forth
Like flags and ashes scattered by the truth
Oi, Mister...What is a Girondin?
'The ship of state is all at sea...'RINGMASTER
The ship of state is all at sea
The King confused
‘Tis hard enough to place one foot before the last
To tread a path preordained by a law divine
But to pad all aimless on a shifting sea
Each man an island free to choose his fate
God’s death; what dizzy, giddy, fall from grace
'To the Windward Isles...'REVOLUTIONARY SLAVE
To the Windward Isles
It comes today
The wind of change
'Vive la Commune de Paris...'MALE CHORUS
Vive la Commune de Paris
For the love of God
In the name of freedom
For the crippled and the poor
1990-05-02-Wall Rehearsals, London, UK01. In The Flesh
02. The Thin Ice
03. Another Brick In The Wall Part 1
04. The Happiest Days Of Our Lives
05. Another Brick In The Wall Part 2
06. Mother
07. Goodbye Blue Sky
08. Empty Spaces
2015-10-16-D.A.R. Constitution Hall, Washington, DC01. Intro
02. When the Tigers Broke Free (Pink Floyd song)
03. Wide River to Cross (Buddy Miller cover)
04. Mother (Pink Floyd song)
05. Lean On Me (Bill Withers cover)
06. A Change Is Gonna Come (Sam Cooke cover)
07. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts I-V) (Pink Floyd song)
08. Money (Pink Floyd song)
Amused To DeathDoctor Doctor what is wrong with me
This supermarket life is getting long
What is the heart life of a colour TV
What is the shelf life of a teenage queen
Ooh western woman
Ooh western girl
Amused To Death 1992Amused To Death-1992
1.The Ballad of Bill Hubbard
2.What God Wants, Part I
3.Perfect Sense, Part I
4.Perfect Sense, Part II
5The Bravery of Being Out of Range
6.Late Home Tonight, Part I
BreatheBreathe in the air
Make for the meadow and savor the grass, while it lasts
By and by
Spidery fingers of industry reach for the sky
Brick upon brick, stone upon stone, they grow
Choking the atmosphere, oh, so incredibly slowly
Sulphur and carbon and hydrogen sulphide and lime
Fever, corrosion, and cover your cities with grime
But the Marquis of Boulli Has a Trump Card up His SleeveKING & QUEEN
But the Marquis of Boulli had a trump card up his sleeve
The Marquis of Boulli a good General
And fiercely loyal to the crown
With his army in the East
Hatched a plan to see the King released
Chain Of LifeCry, Baby, cry
Grow, Baby, grow
Stand on your own
Holidays and happy days at home
Seaside, bike ride, fun land, hot sand, childhood floating by
Wonder why I feel
so shy when you are passing by
Comfortably NumbHello
Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me
Is there anyone at home?
Come on, now
I hear you're feeling down
Well, I can ease the pain
And get you on your feet again
Dances and MarchesScene 1:
Dances and Marches
The Queen, ensconced at Versailles and aloof from the troubles, is utterly bored. She perks up only at the idea of holding a handsome ball. Her guests, the Ringmaster informs us, are all members of the army regiments still loyal to the King. The ball proceeds. True to its functions of escape and denial, it is a somewhat over-the-top affair. Many of the guests as well as the Queen are obviously drunk. According to the fashion, but no doubt either reluctantly or with heavy irony, she wears a revolutionary’s tri-color rosette in her hair. Embolden by drink, and eager to demonstrate her contempt for the revolution and all it stands for, she tears this from her head, throws it to the floor, and grinds it underfoot. Her officer guests, obliged to wear the tri-color themselves, immediately follow suit. The realities of the revolution are about to burst in on them, however. In Paris there is still nothing to eat. The march on Versailles from Paris, which includes amongst its numbers 7000 hungry and bedraggled women, arrives at the palace doors. The marchers are incensed by the Queen’s feast. The Priest tries to protect Marie Antoinette from the more aggressive elements, some of which are carrying pikes with severed heads still attached. At the same time, and in an effort to help her locate even a hint of her humanity, he attempts to remind her of her childhood meeting in her Viennese garden all those years ago. For a fleeting moment she appears to remember, but almost immediately shakes her head and turns her back on him. Together with the King, who is seized in another part of the palace, and the Dauphin, they are taken to Paris and the Tuileries, goaded en route by the crowd.
Versailles the leaves fall
Each small candleNot the torturer will scare me
Nor the body's final fall
Nor the barrels of death's rifles
Nor the shadows on the wall
Nor the night when to the ground
The last dim star of pain, is hurled
But the blind indifference
Of a merciless, unfeeling world
Flickering FlameWhen my neurons conspire to direct my thoughts
Away from divorce and competitive sports
Back to the place where all rivers run to the sea
Then I shall be free
Yes I shall be free
On a see-saw in a strange land
The jackdaw sat on the Cardinal's hand
Flickering Flame 2002Flickering Flame-2002
1.Knockin' on Heaven's Door
2.Dybbuk of The Holy Apple Field
3.Too Much Rope
4.The Tide Is Turning
5.Perfect Sense, part I & II
6.Three Wishes
Flushed With WineRINGMASTER
Flushed with wine Marie Antoinette
Casts down her red, white and blue rosette
An impetuous and dangerous vignette
And then with her charming little shoe
Folded FlagsRock a bye baby
On the tree top
When the wind blows
The cradle will rock
Oh babe, hate to see you fall that way
Better speak to the powers than to be today
Hey Joe, where you goin'
Four Minutes[Billy:] "Four minutes and counting."
[Jim:] "O.K."[Billy:] "They pressed the button, Jim."
[Jim:] "They pressed the button Billy, what button?"
[Billy:] "The big red one."
[Jim:] "You mean THE button?"
[Billy:] "Goodbye, Jim."
[Jim:] "Goodbye!Oh yes This ain't au revoir, it's goodbye!Ha! Ha!
Get Back To RadioLike an ember
Glowing in the dark
I have almost grown cold
Frozen like a soldier
Standing by the flagpole
Leg player they all said was too old
I have been tempted to hand in my key
HomeJim: Oh, God!
Californian Weirdo: Sole has no eyes.
Could be Jerusalem, or it could be Cairo
Could be Berlin, or it could be Prague
Could be Moscow, could be New York
Could be Llanelli, and it could be Warrington
Could be Warsaw, and it could be Moose Jaw
In the FleshSo ya
Thought ya
Might like to
Go to the show.
To feel that warm thrill of confusion,
That space cadet glow.
I've got some bad news for you sunshine,
Pink isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel
Late Home Tonight, Part IIHark the wire service sing
Clear the satellite link
Check the fax machine
Hold the lead story boys
There's some great pictures coming in
Now the pilot's heartbeat slows
Palms dry out
Marie Antoinette - The Last Night on EarthScene 4:
Marie Antoinette – The Last Night on Earth
The Ringmaster returns. The ghostly figures remain. The Ringmaster tells us of the Queen’s subsequent plight. Bereft and hated, she is imprisoned with her son. We see her in the company of the boy, treating him with courtly deference, as if he were King. This, so the Ringmaster informs us, naturally reminds her enemies of the threat of succession. The boy is therefore taken away. The Queen now appears to be utterly lost, shorn of everything. In a trance, she ‘dances’ with the ghostly specters. The light changes, the dance ends. A jailer brings her writing materials. In the freshly changed scene, the window, and the oak tree from the garden in Act 1, Scene 1 become apparent. Reading aloud as she writes a final letter to her sister-in-law, the Queen now movingly expresses the pain she feels at having to abandon her children. It is her consuming regret. God, how she misses them! she is unaware of the Priest who has been attentively listening. This is the same Priest who was in the garden with her when they were both children, the same Priest who tried to remind her of that occasion in Act 2, Scene 1. Now he tries to remind her again. when she hears his voice, the Queen freezes as if startled. Yet she still doesn’t turn to face him. In an echo from the past her mother seems to be calling her in. With her back to the Priest, the Queen protests that she knows him not. The Priest gently persists, urging her to remember the oak and the peach tree, and her mother calling. Quite suddenly the Queen begins to remember. In shock, she clutches at her throat. Taking his cue, the Priest continues a silent appeal. Finally, the Queen turns to him, and, in a moment of fleeting recognition, clasps his outstretched hands. He pulls her to his breast in a desperate embrace. Having recognized in him her childhood friend, she welcomes him, but as a man rather than a Priest. The Priest kneels, closing his eyes in supplication. Unknown to him whilst he prays clowns lead her to a waiting tumbrel, and she is drawn away. When he eventually opens his eyes and sees her leaving, he tries to follow, but is prevented from doing so by one of the clowns. The Priest and Marie Antoinette then raise their arms to one another, but the Queen slowly and relentlessly departs on her final journey.
The window now bereft, abhorred
Paranoid EyesButton your lip. And don't let the shield slip.
Take a fresh grip on your bullet proof mask.
And if they try to break down your disguise with their questions
You can hide, hide, hide,
"I'll tell you what, I'll give you three blacks, and play you for five
"Ta! You was unlucky there son"
"Time gentleman!"
Perfect Sense, Part IThe monkey sat on a pile of stones
And he stared at the broken bone in his hand
And the strains Viennese quartet
Rang out across the land
The monkey looked up at the stars
And he thought to himself
Memory is a stranger
History is for fools
Perfect Sense, Part IICan't you see
It all makes perfect sense
Expressed in dollars and cents
Pounds shillings and pence
Can't you see
It all makes perfect sense
Little black soul departs in perfect focus
Radio WavesRadio waves. Radio waves.
He hears radio waves. Radio waves.
The atmosphere is thin and cold
The yellow sun is getting old
The ozone overflows with radio waves
AM, FM, weather and news
Our leaders had a frank exchange of views
Are you confused, radio waves.
Sexual RevolutionHey...girl
Take out the dagger
And let's have a stab at the sexual revolution
Hey girl
Let freedom for all be our rallying call
Tomorrow lets make our new resolution
Yeah, but tonight lie still
While I plunder your sweet grave
Silver, Sugar and IndigoScene 3:
Silver Sugar and Indigo
Mirroring events in France, French colonies in the Caibbean, especially Santo Domingo, erupt. Planters and landowners try to wrest power from the royal governors, and ordinary mulattos rise in revolt. In France members of the National Assembly (Robespierre, Brissot, and Condorcet) call for the emancipation of slaves. This is affirmed by the Ringmaster, the Chorus, a Revolutionary Slave, Marie Marianne, and Condorcet. There is, as always, opposition to this measure. The profit motive oils the wheels of commerce and misdirects mankind’s finest and wisest impulses, generating shame and misery in their place. The outrage of slavery, both Marie Marianne and Condorcet agree, must be abandoned for all time.
How can you sleep?
Southampton DockThey disembarked in 45
And no one spoke
And no one smiled
There were too many spaces in the line
And gathered at the cenotaph
They all agreed with hand on heart
To sheath the sacrificial knives
But now
Sunset StripI like staying with my Uncle Dave
And I like playing with his great dane
But I don't fit
I feel alien and strange Kinda outa range
I like riding in my Uncle's car
Down to the beach where the pretty girls all parade
And movie stars and paparazzi play
The Ballad of Bill Hubbard(Instrumental)
Alf Razzell: Two things that haunted me the most are
the days, I imagine, when I had to collect the paybooks;
and when I left Bill Hubbard in no-man's-land.
I was picked up and taken into their trench.
And I'd no sooner taken two or three steps down the trench
The Bravery of Being Out of RangeYou have a natural tendency
To squeeze off a shot
You're good fun at parties
You wear the right masks
You're old but you still
Like a laugh in the locker room
You can't abide change
And you're home on the range
The Execution of Louis CapetScene 3:
The Execution of Louis Capet
The war against Austria and Prussia, breaking out in the Spring of 1792, provides grounds to accuse Louis of treachery. The Ringmaster tells us that the people have been to see the King, demanding that he drink the health of the nation and again wear the red cap of liberty rather than look for comfort to his emigre brothers and their foreign allies in Austria. Apparently, the King no longer really cared. Donning the red cap too late to satisfy his visitors, they unceremoniously ripped it from his head. Now he is resigned to his fate. As a guillotine is rolled into the ring, the revolutionary dead appear to rise as ghosts. The Ringmaster gives a running commentary whilst the King, "a simple soul not bad, not mad", approaches the scaffold. As he mounts the steps to the blade, Marie Marianne asserts that too many people have died for the cause of freedom at the battle of the Tuileries for him to escape death now. Besides, the Priest adds, the King has betrayed the crown’s sacred trust. It is necessary to take his life to wipe the slate clean, to begin again. The Troublemaker reiterates this notion. The ghosts raise their arms, pointing to the guillotine. As the blade falls, they lower them. Everyone stands motionless as the guillotine is trundled from the ring. The Queen, and her son, the Dauphin, who have been watching from their places in the royal box, descend to the ring, and move amongst the stationary ghosts. The Queen turns to her son. Terror, blood, and the blade are ever the constants, she sadly tells him.
In the spring of ninety-two
The Fletcher Memorial HomeTake all your overgrown infants away somewhere
And build them a home
A little place of their own
The fletcher memorial
Home for incurable tyrants and kings
And they can appear to themselves every day
On closed circuit TV
To make sure they're still real
The Fugitive KingScene 1:
The Fugitive King
From the circus ring the Ringmaster reminds us that change, still relentlessly underway, has already weakened the power of the crown. In fact, one by one all the political presumptions of the ancient regime have been attacked and destroyed. As the Ringmaster retreats into the shadows, we are taken back to the Tuileries Palace where both the King and Queen bewail their plight: the good times at Versailles are gone; their children play outside in a garden which is hardly more than a prison, and they have even been prevented by the mob from a visit to St. Cloud, where they hoped "to breathe freely" for a moment. With their safety no longer guaranteed, Louis and his family attempt to flee Paris for the Provinces. The Ringmaster reveals the details of their failed escape, their capture, and their return to Paris. As he does so various incidents are acted out for the audience by circus performers. Assuming the title of Baroness Korrf, the Queen, with the King disguised as her valet, sets out to join the Marquis of Bouille, a loyal royalist, in the Alsace Lorraine. On the way, a keen-eyed postmaster recognizes Marie Antoinette and raises the alarm. The party is intercepted at Varennes. Distrust of both King and Queen, already general, is greatly exacerbated by their attempted flight. Despite threats of foreign intervention (the Brunswick Manifesto proclaimed Prussia’s intention to invade France) to protect the King and his interests, he and the Queen are escorted back to Paris and its openly hostile crowds. The atmosphere grows more and more charged. The National Assembly, having temporarily suspended the King’s remaining powers, but still keen to retain a constitutional monarchy, now exonerates the King of any potentially treasonable intentions in his failed escape. The people, however, represented here by the Chorus, express increasingly vehement Republican sentiments. A crowd of 6000 march to the Champs du Mars to sign a Republican petition. The National Guard opens fire, and fifty unarmed citizens are mown down. Even now the National Assembly advocates preserving the monarchy, and in the Constitution of 1791 does precisely this. The King, still dressed as a valet from his flight to Varennes, is escorted from the royal box to the center of the ring. There, he is re-invested with all the trappings of the monarchy. Bowed down by the weight of his vestments, which include the crown, orb and scepter, and by the responsibilities that accompany them, he drags himself, now an unwilling and pathetic figure, back to the box.
And high above
The Powers That BeThe powers that be
They like a tough game
No rules
Some you win, some you lose
Competition's good for you
They're dying to be free
They're the powers that be
They like a bomb proof cadillac
The Pros And Cons Of Hitch Hik 1984The Pros And Cons Of Hitch Hik-1984
1.4:30 AM (Apparently They Were Travelling Abroad)
2.4:33 AM (Running Shoes)
3.4:37 AM (Arabs with Knives and West German
4.4:39 AM (For the First Time Today, Part 2)
5.4:41 AM (Sexual Revolution)
6.4:47 AM (The Remains of Our Love)
The Pros And Cons Of Hitch HikingAn angel on a Harley
Pulls across to greet a fellow rolling stone
Puts his bike up on it's stand
Leans back and then extends
A scarred and greasy hand...he said
How ya doin bro?...where ya been?...where ya goin'?
Then he takes your hand
In some strange Californian handshake
The Tide is Turning I used to think the world was flat
Rarely threw my hat into the crowd
I felt I had used up my quota of yearning
Used to look in on the children at night
In the glow of their Donald Duck light
And frighten myself with the thought of my little ones burning
But, oh, oh, oh, the tide is turning
The tide is turning
Three Wishes[Woman:]"I went to buy a....a gas bottle. At first I wanted to buy a big one, but then I hadn't got enough money, so I had to buy a smaller one. And I think if I bought a bigger one, then it would have been... the way I wanted it.
And then, er, we went down, and ahm, I put the children to bed. And I tidied the flat and everything. And then they were asleep and everything was a kind of nice. I made a bed in the bathroom. I carried them there and put on the gas bottle.
But today when I think back peh.. about that. If God did take me, then I would've been in hell because I wasn't right."
Reached back for the bottle
And rubbed against the lamp
TimeTicking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way
Tired of lying in the sunshine
Staying home to watch the rain
And you are young and life is long
To Kill The ChildВ звездную ночь дитя спит,
Теплом своего Дональда Дака согретый...
Как это странно решить отобрать жизнь!
Как это странно решить убить ребенка!
Гуверы и Блаупункты, Ниссаны и Джипы,
Найк, Адидас, Лакост или дешевки,
Кадиллаки и Амтрак, бензин и дизель, -
Все это наш стиль жизни,
Too Much RopeToo Much Rope
When the sleigh is heavy
And the timber wolves are getting bold
You look at your companions
And test the water of their friendship
With you toe
They significantly edge
Towers Of FaithOoooh, the lonely boys
In their towers of faith
Ooooh, the lonely boys
Locked in their towers of faith
The prophet reclined
In the Golan Heights
Wait for HerWith a glass inlaid with gemstones
On a pool around the evening
Among the perfumed roses
Wait for her
With the patience of a packhorse
Loaded for the mountains
Like a stoic, noble prince
Watching TVWe were watching TV
In Tiananmen Square
Lost my baby there
My yellow rose
In her bloodstained clothes
She was a short order pastry chef
In a Dim Sum dive on the Yangtze tideway
She had a shiny hair
Welcome To The Machine 1984 концерт в ШвецииРаритетная версия с концерта 84 года .
прекрасное исполнение ,кстати вариант с концертов in the Flesh напоминает именно эту версию .
What God Wants, Part IWhat God wants God gets God help us all
What God wants God gets
The kid in the corner looked at the priest
And fingered his pale blue Japanese guitar
The priest said
God wants goodness
God wants light
God wants mayhem
What God Wants, Pt. IIIDon't be afraid, it's only business
The alien prophet sighed
The vulture and the magpie took
The cash box from its hook
The monkey in the corner wrote
The figures in his book
Crazed the checkout lady's fingers
Flash across the till
Who Needs InformationMe and Benny went out last night
Looking for fun
Supping ale in the moonlight
Waiting for the dawn to come
Benny pointed at a HiFi shop
He said hey man look at all the stuff they've got
How'd you make a have out of a have not